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Concrete - what is it and why is it important?
Roman invention. Concrete is much stronger and more durable than other building materials. = Bigger longer lasting buildings.
Roman Arch - what is it and why is it important?
Another Roman invention. This allowed the Romans to build stronger longer bridges (aqueducts) as well as bigger more open buildings.
Vaulted Ceilings - what is it and why is it important?
Curved ceiling. This allowed much taller and bigger buildings to be constructed.
Roman public square for government meetings and trade.
Roman stadium used for entertainment. Examples of these events are gladiator matches, races, and recreating battles.
Roman temple dedicated to the Gods. Big fancy building like the Parthenon in Greece.
How did Greek literature Influence Roman literature?
Romans adopted literary styles from the Greeks.
How were Roman statues different from Greek statues?
Roman statues were realistic. They looked like the person. Greek statues were made so you looked your best.
How were Roman cities organized?
Roman cities were organized in a very organized grid layout. They had the forum in the center of the city, and a sewage system to take away waste.
Describe how rich Romans lived.
Slaves did much of the work. They lived in big beautiful houses with an atrium or inner courtyard.
What type of housing did the poor people of Rome have?
They lived in small, crowded and dirty apartments.
What was Dad's role in the Roman family?
Paterfamilias led the family. He is the boss! Worked or bossed his slaves/workers to do the work.
What was Mom's role in the Roman family?
Poor women had to work along with their husbands and do 3 c's. Rich woman ran the household. (slaves did most of the 3 c's)
What was the girls role in the Roman family?
Poor girls help mom. Rich girls would be educated at home.
What was the boy's role in the Roman family?
Poor boys helped Dad. Rich boys got educated at home and then at a school.
What rights did Roman women have?
They did have some rights and were allowed to go out by themselves.
How many Gods did the Romans worship? Answer with the proper vocabulary word.
Polytheistic. (think Greek religion.)
What was the name of the chief Roman god?
Jupiter. (Like Zeus god of the sky.)
How did the Romans pray to their gods?
Offering prayers and gifts to gods at home altars. (think Greece)
What were the Roman beliefs about the afterlife?
Like the Greeks a few go to a great place, a few get punished and most go to the underworld and remain there. Boring but not painful.
Roman historian and writer.
Leader of a slave revolt in ancient Rome. He won a number of battles until the Romans finally crushed them.
Title for the head of the Roman family. Dad is #1!!!!!.
Public Baths in Roman Life
Romans would go to the baths to socialize and make connections with other Romans.