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A: Assess the crime scene and assist the injured
D: Detain the witness(es)
A: Arrest the perpetrator (If on scene)
P: Protect the crime scene
T: Take notes
What does ADAPT stand for?
Primary crime scene
Original location of the crime of accident
Secondary crime scene
An alternate location
What are the 3 types of evidence
Testimonial (oral or written statements)
Physical (any material items present at the scene, on the victim, or in a suspect’s possession)
Trace: found in small but measurable amounts.
The 6 things evidence will do to aid in the investigation
May prove that a crime was committed
Give the detectives leads to work within the case
Link a suspect/victim with a crime scene
Establish the identity of a victim/suspect
Corroborate verbal witness testimony
Exonerate the innocent
Police officer
CSI Unit (document the scene in detail and collect evidence)
District attorney
Medical examiner/coroner (if a homicide, may or may not be present to determine a preliminary cause of death)
Specialists (Forensic ontologist/insects, anthropologists/skeletal remains, or psychologists)
Detectives (interview witnesses and consult with CSI unit. Follow leads provided by witnesses and physical evidence)
Crime Scene Personnel
Crime scene protocol
Look for signs of life, call for medical assistance
Cordon off the scene, determined by lead investigator
Call for additional personnel
Detailed log kept of movements in and out of crime scene
Do not alter the crime scene (smoking, eating, drinking, littering.)
Secure the crime scene
Be alert for
Sharp objects
Hypodermic syringes
Razor blades
Any other similar items
Biological materials
Other health hazards
Crime scene safety
Disposable gloves
Chemical resistant clothing
Tyvek-type shoe covers
Face shields
Crime scene attire
3D Scan
Document the crime scene
Description of location, weather, and environmental conditions
Description of crime
Location of the evidence relative to other key points
Names of all people involved
Any other relevant information
Record the following while at the crime scene
Date time and location
Recovered items
Important features
Accurate distance measurements of objects
A legend (list) for description of items
A compass for designating
Names of investigators, victims, and suspects,
What to include in a rough sketch
Conflicting eyewitness accounts prompted police to be outfitted with body-worn cameras
Have at least one microphone and internal data storage
Efficient tool for collecting evidence and recording crime.
Body-worn cameras
A way to create 2d drawings and 3d models to map out crime scene and/or body.
What is a CAD program
Line (strip)
Zone (quadrant)
5 types of search patterns
Collecting involves extreme care in identifying, packaging, and labeling each piece of evidence.
Searching the scene for evidence
Physical evidence must be collected before time and weather can alter it
Each item must be placed in a separate container, sealed, and labeled.
Collecting and packaging objects
Any object that can establish that a crime has been committed or links a crime and the victim or suspect
Physical Evidence
The window of opportunity to collect time-sensitive information or evidence
The Golden Hour
Plastic bags
Paper bags
Cardboard boxes
Packaging devices used
Description of contents
Date, time, and location
Agency and collectors name
Case number
Victim(s) names
Information for each package should include
Usually submitted to the lab either by personal delivery or by mail shipment
Care must be taken in packing evidence for mail shipment in order to prevent breakage or other accidental destruction during transit to the lab
Submitted evidence
Written record must be kept of all who have had possession of an item of evidence, beginning at the time of collection
Date and time of transfer
Location of transfer
To/from names
Purpose of transfer
Chain of Custody
Tampering, Contamination, Substitution
General attacks on labs
Automated fingerprint identification system (Quickly matches fingerprints to identify people quickly)
Integrated automated fingering identification system (Quickly matches fingerprints to identify people for law enforcement or background checks)
Combined DNA index system (Stores and matches DNA profiles to help solve crimes and identify people. Similar to ancestry.com)
Integrated ballistics identification system (Store and compares bullet and firearm markings to help solve crimes)
International forensic automotive paint data query (helps identify vehicles by comparing paint samples in forensic investigations)