The distribution of power among various organs of government and social groups to prevent any one entity from having absolute control.
A belief that the majority community should be able to rule a country in whichever way it wants, disregarding the wishes of the minority.
Ethnic Group
A social division based on shared culture, common descent, and linguistic differences.
Civil War
A violent conflict between opposing groups within a country that escalates to the levels of war.
Prudential Reasons
Reasons based on careful calculation of gains and losses, emphasizing the practical outcomes of power sharing.
Moral Reasons
Reasons that emphasize the ethical importance of power sharing and the rights of individuals to participate in governance.
Federal Division of Power
A system where power is divided between a central authority and various regional authorities.
Checks and Balances
A system that ensures that no one organ of government has unlimited power by allowing each branch to check the others.
Community Government
Government elected by members belonging to a specific language community, responsible for cultural and educational matters.
Coalition Government
An arrangement where multiple political parties come together to form a government, sharing power.
Tyranny of the Majority
A situation where the majority imposes its will on the minority, potentially leading to oppression.
Belgian Model of Power-sharing
A system that respects regional differences and cultural diversities, involving a complex arrangement of power sharing across linguistic communities.