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What type of motion and joint is the scapula/ humerus
Ball and socket and abduction
What type of motion and joint is the ulna/ humerus
hinge and extension
What type of motion and joint atlas/ axis (neck)
Pivot and rotation
What type of motion and joint are between the tarsals
Plane and dorisflexion
What type of motion and joint phalanges/ metacarpals
Condyloid and abduction
What type of motion and joint occipital/ temporal
What type of motion and joint is the carpals/ first metacarpal (thumb)
saddle and circumduction
What type of motion and joint are the sternum/ ribs
What type of motion and joint are between the vertebrae
Synphysis and slight ampiarthrotic
What type of bone is the radius
What type of bone is the true rib
What type of bone is the Lumbar vertebrae
What type of bone is the patella
What type of bone is the tarsal
What type of bone is the occipital bone
What type of bone is the sternum
What type of bone is the fibula
Structure and function of spongy bone
It is honey comb like has many spaces in between the bony rods or struts and contain red bone marrow and produces red blood cells
Structure and function of Compact bone
It is solid and densest part of bone maintains structure, provides strength and protection and support for skeletal system
What bones are in the axial skeleton
skull, neck, spine, and sternum
What bones are in the appendicular skeleton
arms and legs
_____ bone consists of osteons, while _____ bone consists of trabeculae
Proximal epiphysis
Articular cartilage
Spongy bone, periosteum, and compact bone
Distal epiphysis
Growth plate