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when was the period of Isolationism?
when was the Spanish American War?
when was WWI?
what year did America join WWI?
what foreign policy happened under McKinley's administration?
Spanish American War
what foreign policy happened under Roosevelt's administration?
Panama Canal, Roosevelt Corollary
what foreign policy happened under Taft's administration?
Dollar Diplomacy
what foreign policy happened under Wilson's administration?
a time period when a country has nothing to do with foreign policy
why was the US in a period of isolationism before WWI?
Manifest Destiny, Civil War, Reconstruction, 2nd Industrial Revolution, Progressive Movement
what factors ended the period of Isolationism?
end of the frontier, Industrial Revolution, imperialism, White Man's Burden, Alfred T Mahan, spirit of a new generation
the belief that land equals power
White Man's Burden
Rudyard Kipling, the belief that it is the burden of white civilized society to bring their culture to other people or countries, ex. Hawaii, Philippines, 1893
The Interest of America in Sea Power
wrote by Alfred T Mahan, wants to introduce more coaling stations and build up the navy
Spirit of a New Generation
believe war is romantic, don't understand the reality of warfare so are willing to go to war
what are causes of the Spanish American War?
problems in Cuba, US interest in Cuba, American jingoism, yellow journalism, De Lome letter, sinking of the Maine
aggressive foreign policy
yellow journalism
exaggerated journalism to get people to buy their newspaper
McKinley Tariff of 1890
puts a tariff on Cuban sugarcane, causes an economic depression, Cuba blames Spain and tries to revolt
De Lome letter
a letter from the Spanish foreign minister to Spain that gets intercepted by newspapers trashing McKinley
what is significant about the De Lome letter?
it encourages Americans to support war with Spain
sinking of the Maine
it blows up and US blames Spain, it was just an internal explosion but they didn't know until the 1970s
Joseph Pulitzer
editor of The New York World
William R Hearst
editor of The New York Journal
Teller Amendment
says that America has no intention of annexing Cuba
Platt Amendment
says that America has the right to intervene in Cuba's affairs
Treaty of Paris
gives the USA Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines
why are the Philippines a problem after the Treaty of Versailles?
the US fights a 3 year guerilla war there and loses more men there than in the Spanish American War
why do the interventionists want to take the Philippines?
commercial interests, "civilize the heathens", White Man's Burden, Social Darwinism, Germany was threatening to take it
why do the non-interventionists not want to take the Philippines?
it would turn a war of liberation into a war of conquest (Anti-Imperialist League), possible war with Japan or China, Declaration of Independence: "no government without the consent of the governed", too many problems at home
Open Door Notes
made by John Hay, proposed that the leaders of imperialist nations in China share their trade
what did Roosevelt want to protect in China?
American commercial interests from "spheres of influence" from other countries
what is the problem in Panama and what does Roosevelt do about it?
Columbia owns Panama, US offers $10 million and a $250,000 rental fee, it is rejected so they incite a rebellion there instead
Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty
treaty that negotiates for the US to build the Panama canal for $275 million
what is the significance of the Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty?
it improves trade significantly, cuts down travel time, and continues ruining our relationship with Latin America
Monroe Doctrine
directed to Europe, no further European colonization in Latin America, 1824
Roosevelt Corollary
directed to Latin America, get their affairs in order or else we will do it for them, the US has a right to assume the role of "an international police power"
what is the problem with the Panama Canal?
weak Latin American countries may default on debts owed to European banks, causing European intervention
Dollar Diplomacy
usage of American economic power to promote American influence in Latin America, offer a loan to Latin American countries so they can pay their debts to Europe and owe the US instead
what was Wilson's moral diplomacy?
wanted to demonstrated that the U.S. respected other nation's rights and would support the spread of democracy, Secretary of State was William Jennings Bryan
Conciliation Treaties
submit disputes to international commissions, observe a one year cooling-off period before taking military action, made by William Jennings Bryan
what was the reality of Conciliation Treaties?
Wilson interfered in the affairs of more Latin American countries than Roosevelt and Taft combined
Tampico Incident
Victoriano Huerta becomes dictator of Mexico, Americans are arrested in MX, US sends their Navy, joint mediation from the ABC powers, Wilson encourages Mexicans to overthrow Huerta
the ABC powers
Argentina, Brazil, Chile
Pancho Villa
Mexican bandit, the US can't catch him and it shows that the US isn't prepared for a major war
Central Powers
Austria-Hungary, Germany, Turkey
Allied Powers
Serbia, Russia, France, Britain, Italy, USA
why does WWI happen?
nationalism imperialism, alliance system
Nationalism in WWI
Serbian nationalists tried to protect their country from Austria-Hungary by killing Archduke Franz Ferdinand
who was Archduke Franz Ferdinand?
heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary
Imperialism in WWI
Austria-Hungary wants more land because land equals power
Alliance system in WWI
causes many countries to get involved in WWI instead of just staying between two countries, why the US doesn't sign the Treaty of Versailles
why does the US enter WWI?
Germany is sinking their merchant ships while trading with Europe
National Security League
believes that Americans should remain neutral in fact as well as in name
Sussex Pledge
Germany says they are allowed to search all ships and if they find ammo they can remove the passengers and blow up the ship
what did the US enter in 1917 during WWI?
Russia is gone due to the Russian Revolution so Germany could focus on France, France had low morale, Americans brought the spirit and men to win the war
American Expeditionary Force
John J Pershing, only in WWI
Selective Service Act
Wilson wants a more democratic draft /can't buy your way out of it, the military leaders are going to be trained instead of political leaders
War Industries Board
asks American industries to produce for the war effort, Bernard Baruch
Food Administration
responsible for feeding refugees overseas and getting Americans to ration food at home, Herbert Hoover
Fuel Administration
asks Americans to conserve fuel
Committee on Public Information
responsible for war bond sales, rationing, propaganda posters, 4 minute men
4 Minute Men
make a 4 minute speech of who and why we are fighting and what can you do in the war
Espionage Act
says that the US is allowed to deport any dangerous spies
Sedition Act
says that speaking anything false or malicious against the American government, flag, or uniform is not allowed /you will go to prison, in Schenk vs US the Supreme Court upholds this act, it is a violation of civil liberties
what is the most important phase of mobilization and why?
Psychological, gets Americans to support the war because soldiers are more willing to fight when they know they have supporters at home
why was the Peace Settlement of WWI so harsh against Germany?
Wilson was barely there and wouldn't send his Secretary of State
the Big Four
Woodrow Wilson, Georges Clemenceau, David Lloyd George, Vittorio Orlando
14 Points
Wilson’s plan for peace, Germany loves this but the other countries don’t so peace is not based on the 14 points
why was the Treaty of Versailles technically a secret treaty?
Germany wasn't present at the conference
League of Nations
an alliance system and the only one of the 14 Points that was implemented
War Guilt Clause
Germany is responsible for all death and destruction of the war, US doesn't sign, they are forced to pay $120 billion but don't have the territory they need to make money
what's the problem with the Treaty of Versailles for the US?
Article X, the US signs separate peace agreements with each country instead
Article X of the Treaty of Versailles
says that any league member must go to the aid of another if attacked
what is a direct cause of WWII?
the Treaty of Versailles