MUIDS Grade 12 Psychology Unit 3 - Psychological Disorders

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Abnormal behavior

Nonnormative actions

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4 criteria of abnormal behavior

Violation of social norms, maladaptive, personal distress, statistical rarity

(Need more than 1 fulfilled to be indication for mental or psychological disorder)

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Violation of social norms

Actions thqt are seen as unacceptable by society

Eg. Public nudity, loudly interrupting others

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Maladaptive behaviors

Behaviors which interfere with an individual's ability to function effectively in the world

Eg. Substance abuse, isolation, uncontrolled anger

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Personal distress

A behavior which cause unpleasant feelings in the person enacting them or people around them over a long period of time.

Eg. Compulsions such as excessive cleaning, self destructive behavior, and uncontrolled aggression

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Statistical rarity

Behaviors which occur infrequently in the population

Eg. hypersensitivity to sensory experiences, uncommon beliefs

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Theoretical approaches to explain psychological disorders

Biological approach / medical model, psychological approach, social approach, biopsychosocial approach

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biological approach / medical approach

Seeks to explain the causes of a psychological disorder in the same way as physical disorders. Focuses on the brain, genetics, chemical imbalance, and neurotransmitter functioning. Treating using medication electroconvulsive therapy or brain surgery

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Psychological approach

Focuses on the emotional and mental state rather than the physical state of a person, with emphasis on childhood experiences, thoughts, emotion, and personality.

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Sociocultural approach

Focuses on the social context in which a person lives and their circumstances

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The biopsychosocial model

Considers the biological, psychological and sociocultural approaches holistically

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Book classifying abnormal behaviors

DSM-5 (Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders)

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External symptoms of a mental disorder

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Internal signs of a mental disorder

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Anxiety disorders

Generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder

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Anxiety disorder criteria

Intense, excessive and persistent stress and fear about everyday decisions (disproportionate and interferes with daily life), apprehension

Motor tension, jumpiness trembling and hyperactivity

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5 anxiety disorders

Generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder

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Generalized anxiety disorder

vague feelings of apprehension, nonspecific reasons for anxiety, up to 6 months persistent, chronic worry, powerless feeling, fatigue, sleeping issues, muscle tension

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Panic disorder

Sudden attacks of intense fear, recurrent unexpected and nonspecific, extreme shortness of breath, dizziness

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Phobic disorder

irrational, overwhelming and persistent fear of a object or event, interfere with daily life

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examples of phobias

arachnophobia - spiders

xenophobia - strangers

claustrophobia - enclosed spaces

acrophobia - heights

Algophobia - pain

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Obsessive Compulsive disorder (OCD)

Anxiety provoking thoughts which induce repetitive behaviors (compulsions)

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Post-Traumatic stress disorder

Traumatic event causes nightmares, flashbacks and uncontrollable thoughts

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Mood disorders

Mental health condition which affects emotional state

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2 Depressive disorders

Major Depressive Disorder, Dysthymia (Persistent Depressive Disorder)

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Depressive disorder factors


Biological - Genetic influences (family history), brain chemistry (neurotransmitter imbalances eg. serotonin- reward hormone and norepinepherine- alertness hormone)

Sociocultural - Low socioeconomic status and standard of living leads to hopelessness, women are more likely to be diagnosed (societal expectations, discrimination, responsibilities, gender based violence)

Psychological - Learned helplessness (feeling not in control of life) helpless -> hopeless spiral, pessimistic and self-blaming attitude

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Major Depressive Disorder

Involves depressive episodes and characteristics, such as lethargy and hopeless for 2 or more weeks to the point of functional impairment. The 9 diagnostic symptoms are (must have 5+):

  • Depressed mood

  • Reduced intrest / pleasure in activities

  • Significant weight / appetite change

  • Insomnia / hypersomnia

  • Agitation or lethargy

  • Fatigue

  • Worthlessness

  • Problems with thinking, concentrating, decision making

  • Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide

  • No history of mania

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Chronic variation of depression which involves long periods of depression. 2 years or more for adults, and 1 year or more for children / adolecents.

The diagnostic criteria (2 must be present) are:

  • Appetite changes

  • Insomnia or hypersomnia

  • Low energy / fatigue

  • Low self esteem

  • Dificulty concentrating, making decisions

  • Hopelessness

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Bipolar Disorder

Extreme mood swings between euphoria during mania and depressive periods. Bipolar disorders are strongly predicted by genetic influence (family history), and equally common in both sexes.

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Milder version of bipolar disorder with hypomania and mild depression instead. Bipolar disorders are strongly predicted by genetic influence (family history), and equally common in both sexes.

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