How music is being written; language of music.; is a system used in writing & reading music.
It is used to indicate sound in music
It represents Silence
It is a set of five lines and four spaces
It is used to tell notes that should be written on the the staff; they are used to indicate the pitch or name of each line and space
clef signs
the values of notes and rests when combined make up of this…
Rhythmic patterns
As notes and rests make up a music composition
Musical symbols
Is the reference note for the values of all other notes
Whole note
these are the notes and rests make up a music composition
Musical symbol
It is movement. It is the beat or pulse that gives life to music
it gives music order and movement
Rhythmic patter
it is moving, they may be accented or loud/strong or maybe unaccented or weak/soft
The strong & loud beat
Accented Beat
The weak and soft beat
Unaccented Beat
The grouping of steady beats; as beats are moving, they are grouped in 2s, 3s or 4s
Succession of Two beats
Duple Meter
Succession of Three Beats
Triple Meter
Succession of Three Beats
Quadruple Meter
Is a fraction-like number that tells the amount and type of notes contained in a meaure
Time Signature or Meter Signature
It divides rhythmic patter into measures. It separates the notes and rests into measures
Bar Line
This is a rhythmic or melodic pattern that repeats
Is made up of high and low sounds. It is group of pitches or tones that are written and heard one after the other
Is the direction or share of melody.; it is madeby the way the tones move upward, downward, in steps or skips and when tones repeat
It is a good and easy way to respond to melodic contours.
Hand Movement
these are letter names that are used to name the notes as they appear on the staff
Is a small line for notes outside or beyond the music staff. It serves as an extension of the staff
Ledger line
It is the musical alphabet
It is the arrangement of tones that have different pitches and durations
The distance between two notes
It is the first note of any scale
It played one note after the other
Melodic Interval
Notes that are played at the same time
Harmonic Interval
Hungarian musician
Kodaly hand signal