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Why is Urban Driving is Challenging
Density of vehicals
Proximity of Hazards
Identidy- inporrtant info on driving scene
Predict - when and where points of conflict will develop
Decide - how when where to communicate, adjust speed
Execte - correct actions to avoid conflicts and ensure safety.
What is easier?
Searching for one specific number or recalling the whole number?
A specific number because the search is moe limited.
Urban Traffic
Traffic is denser and hazards are closer.
If you can’t increase the distance between your vehicle and a hazard, you must change your lane position, slow, or stop to give yourself time to avoid the conflict
Urban Traffic - following disance
3 second rule
Look over, through, or around the vehicle you are following.
Urban Traffic - where to stop
there will be sudden stops ate
lanes next to parked vehicles
Buisness driveways with a high volume of traffic
Charger Tailgaters
approaches with excessive speed and wants to pass
One Pace Tailgaters
Likes to travel at a set speed, usually above the speed limit; usually above it
Habitual tailgaters
Frequently distracted and doesn’t realize that they are tailgating
How to manage tailgaters
maintain a safe space from the vehicle ahead
go into lane position 3
Signal early for turns, stops, and lane changes. Make sure to flash brake
In extreme situations, change lanesor pull over to let them pass.
avoiding conflicts
look for the following clues
rear exhaust
tires turned toward roadway
at the base of the cars for pedestrians’ feet
Rual Areas fun facts
collisons in rural areas account for twice as many deaths than in urban
At night, bad lighting causes difficulty seeing
The speed limit is the max under ideal conditions
Factors that affect safe speed selection
other highway users
inclement weather
intersections and narrow roads or lanes
Turning tip
When turning, make sure to keep your front wheels straight. If you don’t, you will be pushed into oncoming traffic
Passing (three stages)
Decide to pass
is it legal
is it worth it
is it safe
prepare to pass
execute the pass
How many seconds do you need to complete a pass?
10 - 15 sec
No Passing situations
700 ft prior to a hill
within 100 ft of an intersection/railroad crossing
on two lane bridges or an underpass
on curves
when vehicle ahead is traveling at the speed limit
What is expressway driving designed for?
low risk, high speed traffic
vehicles can only enter and leave via interchanges
types of interchanges
all directional
Three parts of expressways
Entrance ramp
acceleration lane
merging area
How to tell if an expressway lane is open/close
a green arrow or x means oppen
a yellow x means the lane ahead will be closed
a red x means the lane is closed
What is another word for a bunch of vehicles?
A wolf pack
Special expressway problems
Most expressways have toll plazas
Types of toll booths
automatic (customer deposits money)
attendent operated
electonic (EZ pass)
Pull out areas
where an additional right lane is available for slower moving vehicles
Runway vehicle ramps
Provide a place for vehicles to safely stop if they experience braking problems
can cause:
shortness of breath
faster heartbeat
reduced concentration
How does altitude affect vehicles
climbing power is reduced
slower acceleration
temp of water in radiator can increase = overheating
Excess Heat
check radiator fluid
check tie pressure
check battery fluid
Snow Storms
gentle acceleration, steering and braking
Don’t race a cold engine
Don’t set your parking break
steer opposite the way your vehicle is skidding
use controlled braking to reduce vehicle speed and to maintain control of the vehicle
types of skidding
over power: applying too much power to drive your wheels
Over breaking: when your wheels stop and the car is still moving after
Front wheel: if you turn the steering wheel and the car wants to go straight
Rear wheel: if you are steering too much and your vehicle stats to move off target
Tire Blowout
When the tire blows out, the vehicle pulls in the direction of the deflated tire. You must steer firmly against the pull of the vehicle
How to react to a flat tire
park car in a safe, flat surface
set up reflectors for visibilty
check owners manual for special procedures
Brake failure fun fact
there is a two part breaking system.
So, if one fails, the other part still brakes two wheel
Power Brake failure
occus when the engine looses power. The brakes have not failed; you just need to push the brake pedal harder
Brake fade
occurs after continuous hard braking. To regain full braking ability, stop the vehicle and let the brakes cool
How to communicate to other drivers
horn and hazard flashers
Flooded engine
occurs when there is too much fuel In the engine
When to swerve
when you believe that braking will not stop a collision
Steps for when in a collison
S top immediately
A id the injured
P revent further damage (warn others)
S end for police
E xchange info