Produces withdrawal that prevents further injury
Serves as basis of learning to avoid injurious objects/situations
Sets limits on activity and enforces inactivity and/or rest
When contact with injurious stimuli occurs, signals follow a particular route
Nocioceptors of the afferent (sensory) neurons (PNS) respond to stimuli
Generate impulses that travel to the CNS
States that a gate-like mechanism in the spinal column's dorsal horns
Control pain stimulation on the brain
Is affected by nerves fibres activity
Is opened/closed through central control trigger activity in spinal cord and brain
Posits that Pain Sensations:
Can be modified en route to the brain
Can be influenced by psychological factors
Women report pain that is more sever, frequent and lengthy than main 2, Perception and response to pain
Psychosocial and bio factors
Response of health care system
Pain threshold and tolerance lower in women
Women report pain more (and more descriptively) and attend to pain more
Biology may predispose women to higher pain
Physicians may think women dramatize
Different meanings attaches to pain
Stereotypes associated with various cultural experiences
Health care attitudes towards pain differ; influences interpretation and treatment of pain symptoms
Psychophysiological Measures: Assess changes in physiological activity from pain
Eclectromyograph (EMG)
Measures of autonomic activity
Electroencephalograph (EEG) --> Detexts evoked potentials
Difficult due to language limits
Infants: Facial activity convey most information (Neonatal Facial Coding System)
Children: Special scales and self-report questionnaires
Peripherally Acting Analgesics - Non-Narcotics
Centrally Acting Analgesics - Narcotics
Local Analgesics - Block Pain impulses in nerves
Eases muscle and other pain; two types:
Swedish massage - effleurage, pettrisage
Shiatsu massage
Various types of relaxation techniques
Progressive muscle relaxation
Meditative relaxation
Mindfulness meditation
Guided imagery
Altered state of consciousness, involves:
Presentation of a suggestion
Does not work for everyone