1st Amendment
Freedom of Speech, Religion, Assembly, Press
What did Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes write
(1919) The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic
Separate from religion
National Security…
Trumps about everything, in time of war especially
2nd Amendment
Well regulated militia is necessary to the security of a free state. Right to bear and conceal arms
Where does Tennessee constitution say we have right to keep and bear arms for common defense but legislature has power to regulate
Article I - Declaration of Rights - Section 26
3rd Amendment
Nobody is forced to quarter a soldier or member of government except in time of war. Implies right to privacy
4th Amendment
Right to be secure in your persons, houses, effects, and paper against unreasonable search and seizure without a warrant
Who can issue a warrant?
Judge or magistrate
What is needed to get a warrant
Probable cause
Probable cause
More than 50% chance someone is involved in a crime
When can a cop search without a warrant?
If exigent circumstances are present
5th Amendment
Protects against self-incrimination. Pleading the fifth, right to remain silent. No double jeopardy and right to due process. Government can’t take your land without compensation
What is due process?
Means that trials will be conducted fairly and within the bounds of the law. For example, anyone accused of a crime can expect to go through a set procedure and therefore has a right to due process.
Eminent Domain
Government can take private land for public use
6th Amendment
Right to speedy and public trial by impartial jury of the state and district where the crime was committed
Pro se?
Not having an attorney and representing yourself
7th Amendment
It protects the right for citizens to have a jury trial in federal courts with civil cases where the claim exceeds a certain dollar value. ($20 or 75k min)
8th Amendment
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment
Purpose of 8th amendment/bail
To assure defendant will come to court
9th Amendment
Right of citizens are protected even if not listed
10th Amendment
Federal government only has powers granted by the constitution
How old to be a member of the House of Reps
How old to be a Senator
How old to be President
Purpose of patents
Allow individuals to profit from their own creations and to facilitate the distribution of knowledge. Promote growth of business and technology
When did Congress make vote for President
In 1801 they voted Thomas Jefferson as president
No president has won with fewer than…
23 states
You can win presidency with…
The right 12 states
Who votes if tie in Senate
Vice President
Creating the map to give one political party an apparent advantage
When does president take office
January 20th
By how much did Georgia go blue in 2020
By .24% making it the narrowest win in hsitory
Which Presidents lost popular vote but won electoral vote?
John Quincy Adams, Rutherford B Hayes, Benjamin Harrison, George W. Bush Jr., Donald Trump
When does congress certify election
January 6th