New lands-Explorers and merchants used more accurate maps, discovered the Americas and brought back new foods and medicines.
New learning- A scientific approach to learning involving observation, hypothesis, experiment and questioning
New inventions- Technology such as gunpowder caused new types of wounds
Art-This showed the human body in realistic detail.
Printing-New ideas spread quickly as well as those of the ancient world.
He did dissections himself
He said medical students should learn from dissections.
The fabric of the human body(1543)
It was beautifully illustrated, very accurate textbook based on dissection and observations of the human body
Corrected Galen’s mistakes because he dissected animals
Provided proof, for example, The breastbone had three parts not 7 like an ape.
He was criticised for saying Galen was wrong.
He had to leave his job in Padua and later became the doctor for the Emperor Charles V.
Gunshot wounds were thought to be poisonous and were burned out using boiling oil.
Wounds were cauterised to stop bleeding
Why the blood circulated
Why there were different coloured blood in the arteries and veins.
How the blood got from the arteries to the veins.