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When was Anoushka Shankar Born?
When was Breathing Under Water released?
Who worked on Breathing Under Water with Shankar? What was his role?
Karsh Kale (pioneering fusion musician) - Co-wrote many of the pieces as well as playing synthesisers, guitar, keyboard, tabla, electronic and orchestral percussion in the album
What genres of music does Breathing Under Water fuse?
Western Pop, Indian Classical, Bollywood
What is the first song on the album?
Who is Shankar’s Father?
Ravi Shankar
When did Shankar learn to play the sitar? When was her first performance on it?
Began learning it at 9. First public solo performance at 13
Where did Shankar spend her childhood?
She grew up in London but also spent lots of time in Delhi as a child too.
When was Debussy born?
When was Estampes written?
What is the third movement of Estampes called?
Jardins Sous la Pluie
What style is Debussy often associated with? What was his opinion of this?
Impressionism although Debussy rejected this label on his compositions. He is now referred to as the “Father of French musical impressionism”
What influences Debussy’s inspiration from the far East and from Spain?
1899 Paris Exhibition where he saw a gamelan performance and musicians from Grenada
Debussy also spent no more than a day in Spain
When did he go to the Paris Conservatoire? What was he like as a student there?
When he was 10 (for 11 years) - he was an argumentative student who frequently challenged the rules of harmony and orchestration
Where does the Habañera rhythm come from?
It is a Cuban dance rhythm