bio66 lab chapter 12 lab results

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isotonic control: normal hydration & gatorade solution

  • what happens to... ~ volume gain? ~ plasma volume? ~ blood pressure? ~ plasma osmolarity?

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renal system expected test results, hormones & processes involved, etc.

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isotonic control: normal hydration & gatorade solution

  • what happens to... ~ volume gain? ~ plasma volume? ~ blood pressure? ~ plasma osmolarity?

  • volume gain RESTRICTED to ECF

  • INCREASES plasma volume AND blood pressure

  • no change in plasma osmolarity (since intake was isotonic)

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volume test: normal hydration & gatorade solution

  • increase/decrease? ~ why?

  • volume will INCREASE b/c of ANP & pressure natriuresis & diuresis

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pH test: normal hydration & gatorade solution

  • change or no change?

  • no change

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specific gravity test: normal hydration & gatorade solution

  • change or no change? ~ why?

  • should not change since intake was isotonic

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[Cl-] ([Na+]) test: normal hydration & gatorade solution

  • increase/decrease? ~ why?

  • possibly will INCREASE if pressure is high enough

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ADH : normal hydration & gatorade solution

  • change or no change? ~ why?

  • no change in secretion b/c no change in plasma osmolarity

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Aldosterone: normal hydration & gatorade solution

  • change or no change? ~ why?

  • no change in secretion b/c of increased ECF volume

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ANP : normal hydration & gatorade solution

  • what happens to... ~ plasma volume? ~ pressure? ~ why? ~ results of urine volume? ~ results of Na+ excretion?

  • INCREASED plasma volume AND pressure

  • causes stretching of atrial wall & subsequent release of ANP

  • results in INCREASED urine volume AND Na+ excretion

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pressure natriuresis & diuresis: normal hydration & gatorade solution

  • what happens to... ~ blood pressure? ~ why?

  • INCREASED ECF --> INCREASED blood pressure

  • stimulates natriuresis & diuresis

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water control: normal hydration & pure water

  • what happens to... ~ plasma volume? ~ blood pressure? ~ plasma osmolarity?

  • where does pure water enter?

  • pure water enters BOTH ECF & ICF

  • plasma volume & blood pressure LESS than isotonic control

  • INCREASED blood pressure (less than isotonic control)

  • DECREASED plasma osmolarity

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volume test : normal hydration & pure water

  • increase/decrease? ~ why?

  • volume will INCREASE b/c of ANP & pressure natriuresis & diuresis

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pH test: normal hydration & pure water

  • change or no change?

  • no change

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specific gravity test: normal hydration & pure water

  • increase or decrease? ~ why?

  • should DECREASE b/c intake was only water

  • fewer solutes in urine

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[Cl-] ([Na+]) test: normal hydration & pure water

  • increase or decrease? ~ why?

  • may INCREASE due to ANP

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ADH : normal hydration & pure water

  • what happens to... ~ secretion? ~ why?

  • DECREASED secretion

  • b/c of INCREASED plasma volume & DECREASED osmolarity

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Aldosterone : normal hydration & pure water

  • what happens to... ~ plasma osmolarity? ~ why?

  • DECREASED plasma osmolarity

  • causes release of aldosterone ; helps Na+ retention

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ANP : normal hydration & pure water

  • what happens to... ~ plasma volume? ~ pressure? ~ why?

  • LESS INCREASE in plasma volume & pressure than isotonic control

  • less of a stretch in cardiac wall ; may be some release

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pressure natriuresis & diuresis: normal hydration & pure water

  • what happens to... ~ plasma volume? ~ pressure? ~ results in?

  • INCREASED plasma volume AND pressure

  • results in INCREASE in urine production

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overhydrated: BEFORE DRINKING

  • what happens to... ~ plasma volume? ~ plasma osmolarity? ~ urine concentration? ~ urine volume?

  • HIGH plasma volume

  • LOW plasma osmolarity

  • LOW urine concentration

  • INCREASED urine volume

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overhydrated: AFTER DRINKING

  • what happens??

  • situation is reinforced

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volume test: overhydrated

  • increase or decrease? ~ why?

  • volume will INCREASE b/c of ANP & pressure natriuresis & diuresis

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pH test: overhydrated

  • change or no change (increase/decrease)? ~ why?


  • ANP causes decreases Na+ reabsorption/H+ secretion into urine

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specific gravity test: overhydrated

  • what happens to... ~ concentration? ~ specific gravity? ~ why?

  • concentration & specific gravity should DECREASE further

  • b/c less solutes in urine & intake is just water

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[Cl-] ([Na+]) test: overhydrated

  • what happens to... ~ Na+ ?? ~ why? (hint: fluid intake)

  • Na+ should DECREASE

  • fluid intake is HYPOTONIC (pure water)

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ADH : overhydrated

  • what happens to... ~ secretion (increase/decrease)? ~ why?

  • secretion DECREASES

  • b/c INCREASED plasma volume & DECREASED osmolarity

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Aldosterone : overhydrated

  • increase/decrease? ~ why?

  • does NOT increase

  • plasma volume already INCREASED

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ANP : overhydrated

  • secretion or no secretion? ~ why?

  • ANP is secreted

  • b/c plasma volume & pressure is INCREASED

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pressure natriuresis & diuresis : overhydrated

  • results in?

  • the major response

  • results in INCREASED urine excretion

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  • what happens to... ~ plasma volume? ~ plasma osmolarity? ~ urine volume? ~ urine concentration

  • LOW plasma volume

  • HIGH plasma osmolarity

  • DECREASED urine volume

  • concentrated urine

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volume test : dehydrated

  • increase or decrease??? ~ why?

  • may NOT increase

  • b/c volunteer already dehydrated

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pH test: dehydrated

  • change or no change?

  • no change

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specific gravity test: dehydrated

  • starting level? why? ~ anything else that happens?

  • should be HIGH at first b/c of concentrated urine

  • MIGHT DECREASE slightly from initial value

  • most likely remain above normal

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[Cl-] ([Na+]) test: dehydrated

  • intake... ?

  • what happens to... ~ Na+ ?

  • intake is HYPOTONIC ; but volunteer already dehydrated

  • Na+ probably remains elevated over normal values ; DECREASE from initial values

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ADH : dehydrated

  • what happens to ... ~ secretion? ~ why?


  • b/c of DECREASED plasma volume & INCREASED osmolarity

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Aldosterone: dehydrated

  • what happens to... ~ plasma volume? ~ osmolarity? ~ which leads to??? ~ secretion or no secretion? ~ followed by??

  • LOW plasma volume & INCREASED osmolarity --> LOW blood pressure

  • Aldosterone is secreted

  • followed by INCREASED Na+ AND water retention

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ANP : dehydrated

  • any effect? ~ why?

  • no effect

  • b/c plasma volume is DECREASED

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pressure natriuresis & diuresis : dehydrated

  • any effect? ~ why?

  • no effect

  • b/c plasma volume is DECREASED

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