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Synthetic fuels
liquid fuels that have same properties as fossil fuels but are produced artificially
Synthetic crude
created by upgrading bitumen or synthesizing liquid hydrocarbons from oil shale
tar like substance found in oil sands
Oil sand
mixture of clay, sand, bitumen, and water; ¾ Supply in Canada
how are oil sands created
when conventional oil escapes from porous rock and is degraded into tar by bacteria and groundwater
how does bitumen form
forms when bacteria degrades crude oil over time
what is bitumen used for
binding agent in road asphalt
oil sand extraction near surface
dug up by electric shovel, brought to processing plant, mixed with hot water to extract bitumen, which is cooked until it can be refined
oil sand extraction deep underground
inject stream into one well, suck bitumen out with another
Oil shale
fine grained sedimentary rocks containing kerogen (large supplies but low quality)
solid, insoluble matter in sedimentary rocks
consists if a variety of organic materials, including dead plants, algae, and other microorganisms
what does kerogen consist of?
organic materials such as dead plants, algae, and other microorganisms that have been compressed and heated by geological processes
oil shale extraction
distilled from crushed rock by heating, shale oil then heated to remove impurities, and increase flow rate so that it can be sent through pipeline
oil sand and shale benefits
large potential supply
easily transported once heated
oil sand and shale tradeoffs
low net energy yield
large amounts of water needed
land disruption
air & water pollution
keystone pipeline
ancient planktonic remains settled to sea or lake bottoms, mixing with sediments and buried
keratogenic formation
as many layers of ancient planktonic remains settled, intense pressure builds in lower regions creating a waxy material
cracking process which results in conversion of organic kerogens into hydrocarbons
organic compound consisting of hydrogen and carbon found in crude oil, natural gas, and coal
hydrocarbon pyrolysis
the process to turn crude oil into usable petroleum
difference between petroleum and oil
petroleum includes crude oil and products, crude oil is JUST unprocessed oil
environmental impact of oil extraction
causes moderate damage to earth’s land, but transporting it results in spills
refining crude oil
components are removed at various levels in a giant distillation column
most volatile components with lowest boiling points are removed at the top
oil benefits
high net energy
well developed tech
high net energy
oil disadvantages
running out
low prices encourages waste
air pollution, greenhouse gases
50-60 yr supply
ANWR in news positives
bring jobs and money to Alaska, increase US oil supply, reduce oil imports
ANWR in news negatives
only a small amount of oil present for degradation of protected habitats
found on Alaska’s north slope and contains more than 1/5 of all land in the US Wildlife Refugee System
Harsh, extreme fragile ecosystem
how big is a barrel of oil
43 gallons
78% of the world’s oil reserves comes from
Algeria, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Venezuela
why is the US dependent on foreign supplies?
declining domestic oil reserves, high production cost for domestic reserves, increased oil use
Natural gas
50-90% methane, burned for electricity and heat
types of natural gas
conventional and unconventional
how is natural gas produces
fossil deposits on seafloor
conventional natural gas
lies above reservoirs of crude oil
requires natural gas pipelines to be built over oil deposit
unwanted byproduct
unconventional natural gas (Barnett Shale)
largest onshore producible reserves of natural gas in US
collected via fracking
Largest oil reserve
Canada; 40% tar sands
methane hydrates (unconventional NG)
small bubbles of BG trapped in ice crystals under permafrost and deep ocean sediments
2x much energy in hydrates than oil, NG, and coal resources combines
too costly
natural gas benefits
ample supply
high net energy
cleanest burning fossil fuel
natural gas disadvantages
releases CO2
requires pipelines
water contamination
air pollution
land subsidence
nonrenewable energy
not replenished within a useful time scale
depleted faster than can be replenished
Renewable energy resource
normally replenished by natural processes
not depleted by moderate use
inexhaustible on human time scale
direct solar capital
99% of all energy we use comes from the sun
indirect solar capital
wind, water, biomass (sun makes everything work)
coal benefits
ample supply (200 years +)
high net energy
tech well developed
coal disadvantages
high env. impact
land disturbance
air pollution
toxic mercury and radioactive materials released
(first stage of coal production) partially decayed plant water in swamps and bogs, low heat content
lignite coal
(second stage) low heat content, low sulfur, limited supplies
bituminous coal
(third stage) extensively used as a fuel because high heat content and large supplies, high sulfur content
(fourth stage) highly desirable fuel bc of high heat content and low sulfur content, supplies are limited in most areas
how is coal formed
remains of plants undergo extreme heat and pressure
mostly carbon
what is coal used for
electricity (strip mined)