change in shape and size of grains whithout changing the identity of the minerals making up the grains ex) limestone-marble
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Phase change
transforms one mineral into another mineral with the same composition but another crystal structure
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metamorphic reaction, new minerals form from old. The initial minerals become unstable, change to new minerals, and the original protolith minerals are digested in reactions. Elements restructures to form new mineral assemlage ex) shale-> garnet mica schist
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Pressure Solution
wet rock is squeezed more strongly in one direction and mineral grains dissolve where their surface meets another grain producing ions, precipitation of the ion water in less pressure
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Plastic deformation
mineral grains soften and deform, requires elevated temp and pressure, rock is squeezed or sheared, minerals change shape without breaking and therefore behave plastically
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Causes of metamorphism
the agents of metamorphism are heat, pressure, compression and shear, and hot water. not all these agents are required but often co-occur and rocks may be overprinted by multiple events
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Characteristics of metamorphism due to heat
-occurs between 250 degC and 850 degC -heat energy breaks and reforms atomic bonds -the sources of heat are the geothermal gradient, magmatic intrustions or compression 0the depth to metamorphic T varies with tectonic setting
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Characteristics of metamorphism due to pressure
P increases with depth in the crust, metamorphosism occurs mostly in 2-13km with 270-300 bars per km -increase in pressure packs atoms more tightly together, creating denser minerals, involves phase change or neocrystalization
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Characteristics of metamorphism due to pressure and temperature
Mineral stability is dependent on P and T changes in T and P lead to changes in minerals, illustrated by the three polymorphs Al2SiO5-
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Differential Stress
stress greater in one directio -different than pressure, which is equal in all directions -differential stress is a common result of tectonic forces
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creates horizontal compression (push)
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creates horizontal extension (pull apart)
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two kinds of differential stress
normal and shear
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Normal stress
operates perpendicular to a surface -tension (pull apart) -compression (push together normal stress)
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Shear stress
moves one part of a material sideways, causes material to be smeared out, rolling dough
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Compression and shear stress combine with elevated T and P causes
rocks to change shape without breaking, internal textures of deforming rocks can also change (minerals rotate into preferred orientations, and grow relative to stretching)
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Preferred orientation
differential stress causes mineral shapes to align in preferred orientation of inequant minerals is a common feature of metamorphic rocks
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How does preferred mineral orientation develop
1-pressure solution (occurs in wet rocks at low T) -minerals dissolve at compressed faces, grow where compression is less, grains become shorter, parallel to compression) 2-plastic deformations (occurs at higher temp) -existing grains flatten by deforming internally 3-shear rotation and flattening (flattens and rotates into alignment)
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Hydrothermal fluid metamorphism
Hot water with dissolved ions and volatiles is hydrothermal fluid that facilitates metamorphism by accelerating chemical reactions and alter rocks by adding or subtracting elements, hydrothermal alteration is called metasomatism
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What is foliation and what is it due to
parallel planar surfaces or layers in metamorphic rock, gives the rock a streaked or striped look, foliated rocks often break along foliation planes, these are due to preferred inequant mineral orientation, and compositional banding
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What are the types of metamorphic rock
foliated and non-foliated
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Foliated metamorphic rocks
have though going planar fabric, subjected to differential stress, have a significant component of platy minerals, classified by composition, grain size, and foliation type
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Nonfoliated metamorphic rocks
no planar fabric evident, minerals recrystalized without compression or shear, comprised of equant minerals only, classified by mineral composition
fine grained, low grade metamorphic shale. -has a distinct foliation called slaty cleavage -develops by parallel alignment of platy clay minerals, develops clevage perpendicular to the compression, and breaks along foliation, creating sheets used for roofing
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fine grained mica rich rock, formed by low to medium grade alteration of slate. Clay minerals neocrystalize into tiny micas. Has a silky sheen called phyllitic luster
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metamorphed conglomerate, where grvel clasts are flattened by pressure solution, plastic deformation. foliation is defined by the flattened gravel clasts
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fine to coarse rock with larger micas, mediup high grade metamorphism, and has a distinct foliation from large micas called schistosity, schist has mineral assemblage reflecting the protolith
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distinct compositional bands, often contorted, light bands of felsic minerals (quartz and feldspars) and dark bands (mafic minerals like biotite and amphibole)
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How does compositional banding develop
original layering in the protolith, extensive high T shearing and metamorphic differentiation -solid state differentiation, chemical reactions segregate light and dark layers
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is a partially melted gneiss, features from igneous and metamorphic rocks, the felsic bands melt and recrystallize in the gneiss
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Characteristics of nonfloated metamorphic rocks
lack a planar fabric, becuase the rock is not subjected to differential stress, it does have a dominance of equant stress, and has an absence of platy minerals like clays or micas
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Types of nonfoliated metamorphic rocks
hornfels, amphibolite, quartzite, marble
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alteration by heating, associated with plutonic intrusions, finely crystalline
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dominated by dark amphibole minerals, they have a basalt or gabbro protolith, usually not well foliated, quartz and feldspar poor
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almost pure quartz in composition, forms by alternation of quartz sandstone. Sand grains in the protolith recrystallize and fuse. It is hard, glassy, resistant, breaks by conchoidal fracture
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coarsely crystalline calcite or dolostone protolith. Completely changed rock, many colors, used for sculptures
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Index mineral maps
define metamorphic zones, where boundaries are isograds
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Metamorphic facies
mineral assemblages from specific protolith at specific P and T conditions, create rocks that are similar, and named for dominant mineral
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Metamorphic environments
different setting yeild different effects via the variation in geothermal gradient, changing gradients of differential stress, and variability in the nature of hydrothermal fluids, and are all governed by plate tectonics
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types of meta morphism
ď˝ Thermalâheating by a plutonic intrusion ď˝ Burialâincreases in P and T by deep burial in a basin ď˝ Dynamicâshearing in a fault zone ď˝ RegionalâP and T alteration due to orogenesis ď˝ Hydrothermalâalteration by hot water leaching ď˝ Subductionâhigh P, low T alteration ď˝ Shockâextreme high P attending a bolide impact
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How do metamorphic rocks return to the surface
exhumation is due to the uplift, collapse and erosion
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where to find metamorphics
large regions of ancient high-grade rocks, called shields, are exposed in continental interiors
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are eroded remnants or orogenic belts, sheild rocks form the basement under sedimentary cover