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in retina
highly sensitive to light
active in night vision
no color perception
convergence (signals from many rods carried on same neuron)
doesn’t provide sharp image (makes general outline, fuzzy image)
not as sensitive to light
sense color
highly concentrated in fovea centralis
no convergence
provides sharp image
Visual pigments (photopigments)
Made of retinal (absorbs light) & opsin (protein)
Light makes retinal change shape → nerve impulse
Opsin types:
- All rods have rhodopsin
- Each cone has 1 of 3 pigments (red, green, blue)
missing one or more cone pigment
2 or more colors look the same
red-green is most common type
more common in males (x-linked recessive)
stereoscopic vision
slightly different views from each eye are combined to make a 3D image