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dependent variable
changes in response to the independent variable
independent variable
the variable that is changed
control variable
variable that is kept the same
what do you need to include in an experiment plan?
idea, question, data, observations, variables
how to accurately measure length
align the object with the 0 mark, make sure the measuring tool is straight
state the best way to record data in an experiment
in a table with clearly labelled headings and units
how do you calculate the mean
at the numbers together and divide by the amount of numbers
what is the line of bet fit
a line drawn through the points on a scatter plot to estimate the best line through the data and average
what should you include in a conclusion
what you have found out and why you think it has happened
what is a set of measurements
'the range' the difference between largest and smallest reading
data that does not fit the pattern
is a wide or narrow range better and why
wide because you can have more different and interesting results
why is it important to carry out repeats
to ensure your results and correct and you have no anomolys
bunsen burner
measuring cyclinder
boiling tube
evaporating basin
clamp stand
conical flask
heat proof mat