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where did mark twain get the idea for tom’s character
a combination of three boys he knew
what does twain say is the main purpose of his novel
to remind adults of what they once were and how they interacted
How is the opening scene described?
In the opening scene, Tom does not listen, is very mischievous, and is found eating jam.
What are Aunt Polly's feelings towards Tom?
Aunt Polly feels that Tom will misbehave if he is not disciplined.
Why does Aunt Polly make Tom work on Saturday?
Aunt Polly makes Tom work on Saturday to teach him a lesson for planning to play hookey.
What is Tom's reaction to getting caught with the wrong thread?
Tom was mad about getting caught but quickly forgot about it.
What method does Tom use to whitewash the fence?
Tom uses reverse psychology to make whitewashing the fence seem fun.
What item does Ben give Tom to whitewash the fence?
Ben gives Tom an apple to whitewash the fence.
How does Tom differentiate between work and play?
Tom believes that fun is a choice while work is an obligation.
What are the five treasures Tom obtains, and what do they reveal about him?
The five treasures Tom obtains are a doorknob, dog leash, 6 firecrackers, a glass stopper, and a couple of tadpoles, which reveal that he values material things.
What action does Tom take towards Sid?
Tom throws a clod of dry mud at Sid and feels at peace after taking his revenge.
What does 'Amy Lawrence vanished' mean?
Tom is abandoning Amy Lawrence; he starts to avoid her.
What happens in the sugar incident with Aunt Polly?
The sugar bowl breaks because of Sid, but Aunt Polly assumes it was Tom.
How does Mary convince Tom to learn a Bible verse?
Mary convinces Tom to learn the verse by offering him a Barlow knife.
How does Tom get tickets at Sunday School?
Tom trades his gadgets from whitewashing for tickets at Sunday School.
What is the judges' reaction to the tickets the boys receive?
The boys felt jealous of Tom and Huck because they spent a long time earning their tickets.
Which two apostles does Tom mention?
Tom mentions David and Goliath as two apostles.
What does 'draw the curtain of charity' mean?
It means to spare Tom's embarrassment.
What is Tom's wish about weekends?
Tom wishes there were no weekends to make returning to school easier.
What decision does Tom make to avoid school?
Tom pretends to have a sore toe or tooth as an immature excuse to avoid school.
How is Huckleberry Finn's character described?
Huckleberry Finn is a mischievous kid with no rules, and Tom envies his adventurous life.
What is Huck's superstition?
Huck believes that going to the graveyard with a dead cat will remove his warts
How does Tom end up on the girls' side of the school?
Tom claims to have been with Huck, knowing it will get him to the girls' side next to becky
How does Becky react to Tom's flirtation?
Becky plays hard to get in response to Tom's flirtation.
What defines Tom and Becky's engagement?
Tom and Becky's engagement is defined by going to parties, holding hands, kissing, and pledging never to marry others.
What effect does Tom's blunder have on Becky?
Tom's blunder of mentioning Amy makes Becky cry.
How is the setting of the graveyard described?
The graveyard setting includes a board fence, sunken graves, and no tombstone.
Who are the people at the graveyard?
The people at the graveyard are Muff Potter, Injun Joe, and Dr. Robinson digging up a grave.
What causes Injun Joe's anger at Dr. Robinson?
Injun Joe is angry at Dr. Robinson because he was turned in for vagrancy after seeking food.
What happens during the fight in the graveyard?
During the fight, a confused and drunk Muff Potter hits himself, while Injun Joe stabs and kills Dr. Robinson.
What is the concern about Injun Joe?
They worry he might kill them if he isn't hanged.
What does 'keep mum' mean?
'Keep mum' means to keep quiet.
What promise do Tom and Huck make to keep mum?
Tom and Huck sign a contract in blood to promise to keep mum.
What is Huck's admiration for Tom based on?
Huck admires Tom's ability to write, considering his own limited education.
How does Aunt Polly react to Tom after he escapes?
Aunt Polly gives up on Tom for being too bad after his escape.
What does Tom feel after discussing with Aunt Polly?
Tom feels that when Aunt Polly is mad, it feels worse than being whipped.
What is the 'feather that broke the camel's back' for Tom?
The 'feather that broke the camel's back' is when Becky returns his brass doorknob.
What is the expectation regarding Injun Joe being struck by lightning?
They believe Injun Joe deserves to be struck by lightning for framing Muff.
What is the villagers' reaction to Injun Joe's murder?
The villagers do nothing in response to Injun Joe's murder due to their fear of him.
What is Tom's reaction to the murder he witnessed?
Tom has nightmares, can't sleep, and is haunted by the killing he witnessed.
What distractions do Tom and Becky find in the cave?
In the cave, they explore caverns, play hide and seek, see graffiti, and write names.
What does Tom daydream about while in the cave?
Tom daydreams about being a discoverer, showcasing his immaturity.
Why does Becky's light go out in the cave?
Becky's candle goes out because a bat puts it out.
What is Tom's attempt to stay strong in the cave?
Tom acts cheerful in the cave, although he is not confident inside.
How do the children admit they are lost?
Becky is hysterical while Tom blames himself for them being lost.
What realization does Becky have when the candle is blown out?
Becky realizes they are out of candles.
What encounter does Tom have in the cave?
Tom sees Injun Joe while in the cave.
What promise does Becky make to Tom?
Becky promises Tom that she wants him to stay by her during awful times.
What contrast is observed in villagers before and after finding the children?
Before finding the children, the villagers mourned; after finding them, they celebrated with joy.
How do Tom and Becky find their way out of the cave?
A speck of light leads Tom to crawl through a narrow hole, allowing them to escape.
What does Tom tell Judge Thatcher about Injun Joe?
Tom warns Judge Thatcher that Injun Joe will die in the cave.
What happens when the cave is opened?
When the cave is opened, Injun Joe is found dead.
What are Tom's feelings about Injun Joe's death?
Tom feels bad for Injun Joe but safe after learning of his death.
Why do Tom and Huck return to the cave?
Tom and Huck return to the cave to find the treasure.
What is the clue for the treasure in the cave?
The clue for the treasure is 'number 2' under the cross.
What is Huck's reluctance about the treasure?
Huck fears the ghost of Injun Joe will haunt them if they find the treasure.
What catalyst prompts Tom to reveal the treasure?
The widow plans to adopt Huck, prompting Tom to reveal the treasure.
How much total money do the boys have after finding the treasure?
After finding the treasure, Tom and Huck have a total of $12,000.
What is the result of Tom and Huck's popularity after finding the treasure?
They become admired everywhere after finding the treasure.
What are Huck's feelings about Widow Douglas?
Huck dislikes the rules and changes in his life imposed by Widow Douglas.
What is Huck's view on wealth?
Huck prefers earning things rather than having them handed over.
What decision do Tom and Huck make to feel better?
Tom and Huck decide to become robbers to feel better.
What is Tom's comment about being a robber?
Tom asserts to Huck that he can't be a robber without being a respectful citizen.
When is the setting of 'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer'?
The setting of 'The Adventures of Tom Sawyer' is in the 1840s during the era of slavery and westward settlement.
What was the culture like during the 1800s?
During the 1800s, superstitions were common due to limited scientific knowledge.
How is dialect portrayed in the novel?
The dialect used in the novel reflects regional speech, contributing to the book's controversy due to issues of racism.
What defines the picaresque genre?
The picaresque genre details the adventures of a mischievous hero in a corrupt society.
What is the definition of historical fiction?
Historical fiction combines true events with fictional characters.
What is a characteristic of satire?
Satire critiques individuals or institutions, often using humor.
What is the definition of local color?
Local color refers to the use of specific regional characters and details.
What does realism mean in literature?
a genre of writing that portrays reality closely and in complete detail
What is Americana in the context of literature?
any collection of materials and things concerning or characteristics of the united states or the american people