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Focal distance
Distance btwn the grid & convergent line or point (grid radius)
Convergent line
If points were connected along the length of the grid, they would form an imaginary line
↑ grid efficiency & ↑ mAs = ↑ pt dose
Higher grid ratio =
Thin lead strips
What materials make up a grid?
Btwn pt & grid; Used if 60 kVp or higher OR 10 cm part thickness
Where is the grid located and when is it used?
Interspace material
Radiolucent strips between the lead lines of a grid, generally made of aluminum
Type of motion most used for moving grids today is?
Air gap technique uses an increased ________ instead of a grid
Linear Focused
Which one of the following grids would a convergent line be formed if imaginary lines from its grid lines were drawn in space above it?
Aperture diaphragm
Flat piece of lead (diaphragm) that has a hole (aperture) in it
Two sets of adjustable lead shutters located 3-7 in below tube
Automatic collimator
Automatically limits size & shape of primary beam to size of IR
Grid frequency
Expresses the # of lead line per unit length (inches or cm) (Range from 20-45 lines/cm or 60-100 lines/in)
Grid Ratio
Ratio of height of the lead strips to the distance between them
Linear Grid
Has lead lines that run in one direction only
Parallel Grid
Has lead lines that run parallel to one another (nonfocused grid)
Focal Range
Recommended range of SIDs that can be used with a focused grid
Convergent point
If imaginary lines were drawn from each of the lead lines in a linear focused grid, lines would meet and form an imaginary point
Grid cassette
IR that has a grid permanently mounted to front surface
Wafer Grid
Stationary grid placed on top of IR
Grid cap
Contains permanently mounted grid allows IR to slide behind it
Contains grid & holds IR
Short Dimension grid
Has lead strips running perpendicular to long axis of grid
Grid conversion factor
Used to determine the adjustment in mAs needed when changing from Using grid to non-grid (or vice versa) or changing to grids w/different grid ratios
Grid cutoff
Decrease in # of transmitted photons that reach IR be of misalignment of the grid
Off level grid cutoff ( ↓ exposure entire image)
X-ray beam angled across the lead strips
Off center grid cutoff (↓ exposure entire image)
Occurs when the CR of x-ray beam is not aligned from side to side with center of a focused grid
Off focus grid cutoff (↓ exposure @ periphery of image)
Occurs when using an SID outside of recommended focal range
Upside down focused grid cutoff (under exposure @ lateral border)
Occurs when a focused grid is placed upside down on IR; results in grid lines
Larger light field = ↑ IR exposure = ↑ Pt dose
↑ FOV = ↓ Collimation =
↓ FOV = Smaller light field = ↓ IR exposure = ↓ Pt dose
↑ Beam restriction = ↑ Collimation =
Moire effect
Artifact that can occur when a stationary grid is used during CR imaging if the grid frequency is similar to the scanning frequency (Zebra pattern)
Air gap technique
Concept that much of the scatter will miss the IR if there is an increased distance btwn the pt and the IR (increased OID) (8:1 grid)
Compton Interaction
What interaction has a primary result of scatter?
Compton interactions decrease as photon energy increases
What relationship does Compton interactions have with the energy of photons ?
• Volume: Increasing volume of tissue irradiated = increased scatter production .
• KVp: Higher kVp increases x-ray transmission & reduces it's overall absorption
List and describe the factors affect the amount of scatter ?
Higher KVp = Lower contrast = More scatter = Higher pt dose = Tighter collimation -> less scatter
Relationship btwn kVp, contrast, field size, collimation, pt dose & scatter
What shape is the primary x-ray beam
What factor must be increased in order to compensate for increased collimation since scatter radiation will be reduced?
Grid Patten
Linear pattern of the lead lines of grid (linear & crossed or cross-hatched
Controls grid motion by moving slightly back & forth in lateral direction over IR during exposure
What is the purpose of a reciprocating grid?
Grid ratio = H/D
List the formula used to determine the grid ratio
12:1 grid ratio
Which of the following would result in the greatest radiation exposure to pt?
Allow more transmitted photons to reach IR
Compared with parallel grids, focused grids:
Increase image contrast
The purpose of a grid in radiography is to
Were once required on new radiographic installations
Which is true for positive beam-limiting devices
Which one of the following increases as collimation increases?
mAs should be increased
When making a significant increase in collimation, __________
Field size does not exceed IR size
Purpose of automatic collimation is to ensure?
Cone & Cylinder
Of beam-restricting devices, which two are most similar?
Most effective type of beam restricting device is?
Decrease scatter radiation produced
Purpose of beam-restricting devices is to ________ by changing size and shape of primary beam