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Post War Economy
After World War 2, the U.S. economy was strong, recovering from the pre war depression. During this time the economy saw a growth in consumer spending and technology leading to a growth in the US economy.
Created the OPA which controlled inflation
The OPA removed price control which in turn made prices sky rocket
The employment act was aimed to promote maximum employment, production, and purchasing power. It raised minimum wage from 40 cents to 75 cents.
Taft-Hartley Act
Was a significant piece of labor legislation aimed at limited the power of labor unions while balancing workers and employers rights.
GI Bill
Known as the Servicemens Readjustment Act of 1944 that provided benefits to World WAr 2 veterans. It offered financial aid for education, housing, and unemployment, facilitating their transition to civilian life.
Election of 1948
The contenders of the election were Harry S. Truman and Thomas E. Dewey.
Truman was likely to lose but his campaign gained major traction after he promoted bold domestic fair deal programs.
Truman won convincingly 303-189.
Southern democrats who broke away over civil rights
They were led by Strom Thurmond opposed federal intervention and believed in states rights.
Fair Deal
Was President Truman’s post WW2 domestic agenda aimed at expanding New Deal reforms.
Housing Act of 1949- provided federal funding for low-income housing.
The social Security act expanding benefits
The Fair Employment Pracitcies commission, which aimed to prevent racial discrimination in hiring, though its power was limited.
United Nations
The united nations were created with peacekeeping, improving education, protecting refugees, aiding other nations to become better economically.
The UN created many agencies- International Labor Organization, Food and Agriculture organization, International Cvil aviation Organization, World Health Organization.
Cold War
A period of geopolitical tension between the United States and its allies, and the Soviet Union and its satellite states. It was a conflict between a free market and communism.
Truman Docterine
A U.S. foreign policy aimed at containing the spread of communism. President Harry S. Truman announced it in response to communist threats. Just basically said US will provide economic and military help to countries resisting communism
Marshall Plan
An American initiative to provide economic aid to western European countries devastated by WW2. It was aimed to rebuild economies, prevent the spread of communism, and promote political stability. Offered 12 billion in aid.
U.S. policy aimed at preventing the spread of communism during the cold war
Iron Curtain
A term used to describe the division between communist Eastern Europe and democratic Western Europe
Satellite Nations
East Euro countries under soviet control like Poland and Hungary
Berlin Airlift
A 1948-1949 operation where the Us and its allies formed in 1949 between the US, Canada and West Euro to counter the soviet union
Chinese Civil War
A conflict between the communist forces anf nationalist forces resulting of the peoples republic of China
Chiang Kai- Shek
Leader of nationlist forces in China during the civil war; fled to Taiwaan after nationalists lost.
Mao Zedong
Leader of the communist party
Korean War
Between North and South Korea North supported by Russia and South supported by Unted States
Yalu river
The river that forms the border between North Korea and China
Successful amphibious landing by U.n. forces in 1950 during the Korean War that turned the tide in favor of South Korea
A ceasefire agreement ending the Korean war but no actual peace treaty was signed
A committee created to investigate alleged communist activites in the U.S. during the early COld War.
Hollywood ten
Group of people who were blaslisted because they refused to testify about their communist affliations
Joseph McCarthy
A senator whos campaign accusing government officials of being communists