Human relationships

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GCSE RE. Focused on Christianity and Islam.

49 Terms

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A sexual act between a married person and someone other than their marriage partner
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Living together without being married
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Using artificial means to prevent pregnancy
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Gender equality
When all genders have the same opportunities, access to resources, and rights.
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Not having sex before marriage
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The 'ideal' 1950s family
The father works and is the family breadwinner. The mother stays home and is a housewife and they have biological children.
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The nuclear family
Mother, father and biological children live in the same house as one unit
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Single parent family
Families where children are brought up by one parent
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The extended family
Parents, children, and grandparents, aunts and uncles living as a unit or very near to each other
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The reconstituted family
When two sets of children become one family when their parents marry each other. Sometimes called a 'blended' family. There could be children from the new relationship.
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Same sex family
Two adults of the same gender who are in a relationship and who have children.
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Adoptive family
The parents have children that are not biologically their own. They may live alongside siblings who are the parents' biological children.
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In religion, what religious responsibilities do parents have for their children?
* They are expected or take them to a place of worship
* Teach them how to read and understand sacred texts.
* Teach them worship and how to pray.
* Join in celebrations of faith.
* Understand the importance of rites of passage.
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What do Humanists believe about parents religious responsibilty?
Children should make up their own ideas about religion and parents should not share their religious ideas and faith with their children.
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The Catholic view on women's rights in religion
Men were created first.

The Apostles were all men.

It was Eve's fault in the Garden of Eden.

Women are less important - “women should submit to their husbands”
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Quote which supports the Catholic view of women's rights in religion
“I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a men; she must be quiet” - Timothy 2:12
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The Liberal Christian view on women's rights in religion
Jesus treated them as equals

The resurrection - women saw Jesus first

Jesus believed strongly in women's rights and went against Jewish traditions.
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Quote which supports the liberal Christians view on women's religious rights
“He created them in the image of God”
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The Church of England began to ordain women as priests
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Tradition Muslim view on the role of women
* Men & women should have different roles in life & religion
* The role of women is to create a halal home and bring their children up as good Muslims

* The Qur'an teaches women to bear children
* No women Imams
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Modern Muslim view on the role of women
* Men and women should have completely equal roles in religion and education
* Women can have careers but their role as mother should take priority
* Some mosques let women lead prayers, but usually only when it is a women-only congregation
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The colour white
The wedding dress is usually this colour - it symbolises purity
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The colour blue
Often used as a colour of purity in the Bible. For example the Virgin Mary is shown wearing a blue shawl.
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Flowers and confetti
A fertility symbol
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The Nikah
Muslim wedding ceremony
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The Mahr
Financial deal between the groom and bride. The groom gives the bride some money before the wedding so she can become a wife with property of her own.
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The Walimah
Party or large feast after the ceremony. The marriage is declared publicly here.
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Reasons for divorce
* Adultery
* Abuse
* Addiction
* Financial issues
* Grown apart
* And more
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Christian arguments against divorce
* “What God hath joined together, let not man divide”
* Marriage is an eternal and holy bond
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Christian arguments in favour of divorce
* People should be given a second chance - Jesus preached forgiveness
* God is all loving and understands
* It is better than staying in an unhappy marriage
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Muslim view on divorce
Most Muslims believe that divorce is acceptable but should only happen as a last resort.
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Muslim divorce timeline
Muslim couples who wish to divorce have to go through the Iddah period. This is 3 months in which the couple attend counselling at the Mosque. They stay living together but are not allowed to have sex as this is seen as restarting the marriage. If the wife is/becomes pregnant, the husband must stay with her until the baby is born.
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Christian views against sex before marriage
* Sex should only be between a married couple
* Children born withing marriage have a more stable family life
* Less likelihood of STIs or unwanted pregnancy
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Christian view approving of sex before marriage
Sex is acceptable before marriage if the couple are in love and a long term relationship
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Muslim view of sex before marraige
Sex is a gift from Allah and therefore can only take place in a married relationship

“Do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse. Indeed, it is an immoral and evil way” Qur'an
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Christian views against contraception
* Catholics/other strict Christians believe sex should always be open to the possibility of having children
* The bible encourgaes having many children - “be fruitful and multiply”
* Natural contraception is better - rhythm method, withdrawal method or abstain
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Christian views in favour of contraception
* The Church of England/some other denominations allow contraception as long as both partners agree
* Natural methods of contraception have a very low success rate
* Couple should be allowed to make their own choices about how many children to have and when
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Muslim views against contraception
Sex and children are a gift from God, and contraception goes against this
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Muslim views in favour of contraception
Contraception is allowed as long as:

* Both partners consent to it's use
* It does not harm the body
* It is not being used to encourage promiscuity

If becoming pregnant would be harmful to the mother

Temporary forms of contraception (e.g. condom) are better than permanent methods
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Evangelical Christian view on homosexuality
Homosexuality is an illness that can be cured with God's help
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Catholic view on homosexuality
Homosexuals should be celibate and not have relationships

Many Catholics have evangelical views in homosexuality too.
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Anglican/CofE Christian view on homosexuality
Homosexual relationships are not ideal but if someone chooses this lifestyle they should not be promiscuous.
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Quakers/liberal Christian view on homosexuality
The church should fully accept homosexuals both as members of the congregation and as priests.
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Traditional Muslim view on homosexuality
* Homosexuality is a grave sin and a choice
* People can and must choose not to be gay
* “If two men among you commit indecency punish them both. If they repent and mend their ways, let them be. Allah is forgiving merciful”
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Moderate Muslim view on homosexuality
* Allah would not allow Muslims to treat homosexuals as sinners.
* Allah created everyone and all people are acceptable to Him.
* Those who condemn homosexuals base their views on narrow minded interpretations of Muslim teachings.
* However they do not accept gay marriage
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Liberal Muslim view on homosexuality
* Allah created everyone and everyone is acceptable to Him.
* Many young Muslims agree with homosexuality
* Al-Fatiha is an organisation which campaigns for LGBTQ Muslims' rights
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Interfaith marraige
Marriage between people of different religions
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Arguments against interfaith marriage
Family may disown someone in an interfaith marriage

Children may struggle to know what religion/community they feel they belong to

The couple may try to convert each other

Might be hard to adapt to the others lifestyle (e.g. if one person has a kosher diet and the other doesn't)

Opposing views (e.g. whether to use contraception)
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Arguments in favour of interfaith marriage
Children would have more choice about religion

Reflects a multi-faith society

Children would learn tolerance and open-mindedness, following their parents example