Project Management Domains
a group of related activities that are critical for the effective delivery of project outcomes
interactive, interrelated, interdependent
operate as an integrated system
activities undertaken within each of the performance domains are determined by the context of the organization, the project, deliverables, the project team, stakeholders, and other factors
Stakeholder Performance Domain
addresses activities and functions associated with stakeholders
a productive working relationship with stakeholders throughout the project
stakeholder agreement with project objectives
want stakeholders are supportive
define and share a clear vision at the start of the project can enable good relationships and alignment throughout the project
Effective Stakeholder Engagement
Identify - Understand - Analyze - Prioritize - Engage - Monitor
Stakeholder Performance Domain (Identify)
done throughout the project to understand who your stakeholders are, both internal and external
Stakeholder Performance Domain (Understand and Analyze)
understand stakeholders’ feelings, emotions, beliefs, and values
Stakeholder Performance Domain (Priortize)
focus on stakeholders with the most power and interest as one way to prioritize engagement
Stakeholder Performance Domain (Engage)
collab with stakeholders to introduce project, elicit their requirements, manage expectations, resolve issues, negotiate, priortize, problem solve, make decisions
Stakeholder Performance Domain (Monitor)
stakeholders will change
Team Performance Domain
deals with activities and functions associated with the people who are responsible for creating project deliverables that realize business outcomes
establish the culture and environment that enables a collection of diverse individuals to evolve into a high-performing project team
Outcomes of Team Performance Domain
shared ownership
a high-performing team
appropriate leadership and other interpersonal skills
Terms used in this Team Performance Domain made of
project manager: assigned by business
project management team: ppl who directly involved
project team: a group of individuals performing the work of the project
Servant Leadership
a method of leadership that is based on the understanding and addressing the needs and development of project team members
Servant Leadership behaviors includes
obstacle removal
diversion shield
encouragement and development opportunities
Common Aspects of Team Development includes
Vision and objectives
rules and responsibilities
project team operations: facilitating project team communication, problem solving
Project Team Culture
each project team develops its own team culture
To establish a safe, respectful environment that allows the project team to communicate openly, is accomplish by modeling behaviors such as:
positive discourse
celebrating success
High-Performing Project Teams, factors that contribute to high-performing project teams
open communication
shared understanding
shared ownership
Leadership sklls
establishing and maintaining vision
critical thinking
interpersonal skills
decision making
conflict management
Leadership methods are tailored to meet needs of the project, environment, stakeholders. this can depends on
experience with the type of project
maturity of the project team members
organizational governance structures
distributed project teams
Outcome: appropriate leadership and other interpersonal skills are demonstrated by all team members. how to check?
team members apply critical thinking and interpersonal skills
team members leadership styles are appropriate to the project context and environment
Development Approach and Life Cycle Performance Domain
deals with activities and functions associated with the development approach, cadence, and life cycles phases of the project
Delivery cadence
timing and frequency of project deliverables
Outcomes of
Development Approach and Life Cycle Performance Domain
correct development approaches
a project life cycle that connect the delivery of business and stakeholder value from the beginning to the end of the project
a project life cycle consisting of phases that facilitate the delivery cadence and development approach required to produce the project deliverables
Several factors that influence the selection of a development approach
product, service, or result
degree of innovation
requirements certainty
scope stability
ease of change
delivery options
safety requirements
the project
schedule constraints
funding availability
organizational strucutre
organizational capability
project team size and location
everyone project has its own life cycle. Example of a life cycle
Feasibility - design - build - test - deploy - close
Outcome: development approaches are reliable with project deliverables
how to check
development approach for deliverables reflects the product variables and is suitable for the project and the organization
outcome: a project life cycle entailing phases that connect the business and stakeholders to value from the beginning to the end of the project
how to check?
project work from start to end is represented in the project phases
outcome: project life cycle phases that facilitates the delivery cadence and development approach required to create the deliverable
how to check
the cadence for development, testing, and deploying is represented in the life cycle phases
What is the best approach?
the one that makes your stakeholders happy, produce results and deliverables, give them values
Planning Performance Domain
deals with activities and functions associated with the initial, ongoing, and evolving organization and coordination necessary for delivering project deliverables and outcomes
purpose of planning is to proactively develop an approach to create the project deliverables
Outcomes of
Planning Performance Domain
project moves in an organized, coordinated, and deliberate manner
holistic approach to providing the project outcomes
evolving info is elaborated
time spent planning is appropriate
planning is sufficient to manage stakeholder expectations
process for the adaptation plan
Variables of Planning Performance Domain
development approach
project deliverables
organizational requirements
market conditions
legal or regulatory restrictions
when planning things to consider:
delivery - what is the scope being delivered by the project
estimating - scope, schedule, budget of resources both people and physical
schedules - models used to determine when work has to be done
budget - how much work will cost
Planning Performance Domain
outcome: the project moves in organized, coordinated, and deliberate manner
how to check
a performance review of project results against the project baselines
Planning Performance Domain
outcome: there is a holistic approach to delivering the project outcomes
how to check
the delivery schedule, funding, resource availability and procurements
Planning Performance Domain
outcome: evolving info is elaborated to produce the deliverables and outcomes
how to check
initial info about deliverables and requirements compared to current info can demonstrate appropraite elaboration
Planning Performance Domain
outcome: time spend planning is appropriate for the project
how to check
project plans and documents demonstrate the correct level of planning
Planning Performance Domain
outcome: planning info is sufficient to manage stakeholder expectations
how to check
the communications management plan and stakeholder analysis indicate that the communications are sufficient to manage stakeholder expectations
Planning Performance Domain
outcome: there is a process for the adaptation of plans throughout the project
how to check
projects using backlog show the adaptation of plans throughout the project. Projects using a change control process have change
Project Work Performance Domain
deals with activities and functions associated with establishing project processes, managing physical resources, and fostering a learning environment
sometimes to sit back and review if we’re doing the work correctly
communicate and engage
responsible for assessing and balancing project team and focus
balancing constraints
working on procurement involve hiring and managing vendors throughout the project, includes managing bids and contracts
monitor new work and changes
what they can do better in the future, how to improve
Outcomes of Project Work Performance Domain
efficient and effective project performance
project processes are suitable for the project and environment
appropriate communication with stakeholders
efficient management of physical resources
effective management of procurements
improved team capability due to continuous learning and process improvement
to keep project team dedicated and project activities running correctly
managing the flow of existing, new, and change work
keep project team focus
establish efficient project systems and processes
communicating with stakeholders
managing physical resources
working external vendors
monitoring changes
enabling project learning and knowledge transfer
Work Performance Domain
outcome: efficient and effective project performance
how to check
status reports
Work Performance Domain
outcome: project processes that are appropriate for the project and the environment
how to check
evidence shows that the project processes have been tailored to meet the needs of the project and the environment
Work Performance Domain
outcome: appropriate communication and engagement with stakeholders
how to check
project communications management plan and communication artifacts demonstrate that the planned communications are being delivered to stakeholers
Work Performance Domain
outcome: efficient management of physical resources
how to check
amount of material used, scrap discarded, amount of rework indicate that resources are being used efficiently
Work Performance Domain
outcome: effective management of procurements
how to check
a procurement audit demonstrates that appropriate processes utilized were sufficient for the procurement and that the contractor is performing to plan
Work Performance Domain
outcome: effective handling of change
how to check
projects using a predictive approach have a change log and Projects using an adaptive approach have a backlog that shows the rate of accomplishing
Work Performance Domain
outcome: improved capability due to continuous learning and process improvement
how to check
team status reports show fewer errors and rework with an increase in velocity
Delivery Performance Domain
deals with activities and functions associated with delivering the scope and quality that the project was undertaken to achieve
project delivery is about meeting requirements, scope, quality expectation
some projects deliver value throughout other deliver the bulk at the end
Outcomes of Delivery Performance Domain
projects contribute to business objectives
projects realize the outcomes
project benefits are realized in the time frame
the project team has an understanding of requirements
stakeholders accept and are satisfied with project deliverables
Project Delivery Performance Domain
Measurement Performance Domain
deals with activities and functions associated with assessing project performance and taking appropriate actions to maintain acceptable performance
Outcomes of Measurement Performance Domain
a reliable understanding of the status of the project
actionable data to enable decision making
timely and appropriate actions to keep the project on track
achieving targets and generating business value
Measures are used for multiple reasons, including
evaluate performance compared to plan
track utilization of resources
demonstrate accountability
provide info to stakeholders
assess whether project deliverables are on track
ensure project deliverables will meet customer acceptance criteria
Ways to measure performance:
Key Performance Indicators (KPI) - 2 types of KPIs: leading indicators and lagging indicators
Effective Metrics
use of SMART(specific, meaningful, achievable, relevant, timely) criteria
Leading indicators
predict changes or trends in the project
Lagging indicators
measure project deliverables or events. they provide info after the fact
Measurement Performance Domain
What to measure includes
Deliverable Metrics
info on errors or defects
measures of performance
work in progress
lead time
cycle time
process efficiency
baseline performance
start and finish dates
actual cost compared to planned cost
planned resource utilization compared to actual resource utilization
Business Value
cost-benefit ratio
Mood chart
Metrics can be presented using
info radiators
visual controls
Pitfalls associated with measurement includes
Hawthorne effect: measure too much
Vanity metric
Misuing the metrics
Confirmation bias
Measurement Performance Domain
How to check
Uncertainty Performance Domain
deals with activities and functions associated with risk and uncertainty
Effective execution of this performance domain results in the following desired outcomes
awareness of the environment in which projects occur
proactively exploring and responding to uncertainty
awareness of the interdependence of multiple variables on the project
capacity to anticipate threats and opportunities
project delivery with little or no negative impact
opportunities are realized to improve project performance and outcomes
cost and schedule reserves are utilized
Options for responding to uncertainty
gather info
prepare for multiple outcomes
build in resilience
uncertainty you don’t know if this is going to happen or not
Uncertainty Performance Domain
Outcomes, how to check