Reverse transcriptase- produce initial complementary DNA strand of RNA molecule, uses annealed primer to RNA -Poly T primer- string of Ts that anneals to poly A tail commonly placed on end of mRNA; most RNA amplified -Random primers- extremely short primers that bind on many sites of RNA; portions of RNA amplified that are not always poly T
Gene specific primers- primer that anneals to one specific mRNA; only amplifies one gene but highly likely to detect that gene
PCR- amplifies cDNA via normal PCR method
subunit: small portion of microorganism
virus--like particle: virus envelope and proteins without genomic info.
killed/inactivated: chem. or phys. treated (pathogenic virus produced when vaccine made)
Live/attenuated: mutated form of whole organism that grows poorly in human cells (not pathogenic to humans)
PROMOTE WELL-BEING: provide benefits and prevent harm 2: TRANSPARENCY: openness and sharing information
DUE CARE: pt receives careful and deliberate care
RESPONSIBLE SCIENCE: highest standards are used, high-quality design, appropriate review and evaluation, correction of false or misleading data
RESPECT FOR PERSONS: equal value of person, respect for individual decision making
FAIRNESS: like cases treated alike
TRANSNATIONAL COOPERATION: commitment to collaborative approaches while respecting different cultures