Left hemisphere
controls right side of body
neuro transmitter
a chemical substance that assists with carrying a message to the next neuron
ability of the body to maintain a stable internal environment
nervous system
system made of your brain, spinal cord and nerves
largest part of the brain; controls reasoning , and memory
peripheral nervous system (PHS)
subdivision of the nervous system that brings info to CNS
brain stem
contains midbrain, pons, medulla oblongata
grey matter
darker tissue of brain and spinal cord, made mainly nerve cells and dendrites
message that travels from the dendrites of a neuron to the axon
spinal cord
part of CNS that links the brain to the rest of the body
extensions of a neuron that receives messages and conduct impulses towards cell
somatic nervous system
subdivision of PNS that controls voluntary activities such activation of skeletal muscles
contols thirst, hunger, and body temp
rapid response to protect from danger without a person thinking about it
central nervous system (CNS)
consists of brain and spinal cord
sensory neuron
neuron that carries messages with sense information
responsible for balance, coordination, and routine movement
right hemisphere
controls left side of body
autonomic nervous system
part of nervous system that controls involunary responses and actions
white matter
paler tissue of brain and spinal cord, made mainly of myelin sheaths
long nerve fiber that conducts away from the body of the neuron
changes in environment that cause a response
cortical folds
folds in the brain that allow for greater surface area
backbones taht protect spinal cord
mylein sheath
insulating layer along the axon of a nerve cell; made mainly of fat and protein
reflex arc
the nerve pathway involved in a reflex action
motor neuron
type of neuron that carries messages telling muscles to move
a small gap between neurons that neurotransmitters travel across
stores long term memory
nerve cell; basic building block of nervous system
structures that maintain homeostasis
WHat structures are part of the diencephalon?
pineal gland