Which one of the following is the most important halogen in terms of preparations?
a) Bromine \n b) Chlorine \n c) Iodine \n d) Fluorine
The **chlorine derivatives**, because of the greater economy in effecting their preparation, are by far the most important of the technical halogen compounds and for this reason are given primary consideration. Chlorine > Bromine > Iodine > Fluorine.
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Which derivative is used for aerosol propellant?
The **fluorine derivatives** is well established in the fields of refrigerants and aerosol propellants because of their stability and low boiling points.
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Which derivative has pharmaceutical or dyeing properties?
The **bromine derivative** sometimes has certain advantages because of the greater ease in effecting the replacement of this halogen in subsequent reactions or because it possesses certain pharmaceutical or dyeing properties.
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5\. In which of the following reaction is Halogenation involved? \n a) Addition \n b) Substitution \n c) Replacement \n d) All of the mentioned
Halogenations may involve reactions of (1) addition, (2) substitution, Le. of hydrogen, (3) replacement, i.e., of groups, for example, the hydroxyl or sulfonic acid group.
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6\. What is the formula of Benzotrichloride?
Benzotrichloride acts as a chlorinating agent, whose formula is C6H5-CCl3.
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7\. Thionyl Chloride is not a chlorinating agent.
FALSE. Thionyl Chloride- SOCL2 acts as a chlorinating agent.
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Is there a difference between Sandmeyer and Gattermann reaction?
c) Difference in catalyst
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9\. Which one of the following is an Addition reaction? \n a) CH2=CH2 + HBr
c) CH2=CH2 + Br2 —–> CH2-Br-CH2-Br
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10\. CH3COOH + 2I ——-> CH2ICOOH + HI. What ids the name of the following reaction?