PE: people are selfish by nature; it is impossible for them to behave unselfishly.
OIC: To tell someone they ought to do something is to thereby imply that the can do it, it is unfair to require the impossible
EE is the only fair moral theory. Every other theory tells you to be unselfish and YOU CAN’T
EE is arbitrary, because, for no good reason, emphasizes the well-being of a single individual rather than the well-being of more/the most people
EE is impractical, because no one can ever calculate all of the consequences of their action in time to act on the calculation
EE appears to make it impossible to ever know that something is right/wrong, because it is impossible to ever know all of the consequences of one’s actions
Counter-intuitive, because it produces judgments that violate our pre-existing moral intuitions. For example, it produces judgments like it would be morally right to use puppies or babies as stepping stones to avoid getting your own shoes dirty in the puddles
Flip: switch, kill one
Don’t flip, kill 5
Push guy off, kill one
Don't push guy off, kill 5
Violates our deeply held fundamental moral intuitions
Requires an impossible calculation
Requires definition of “group”
Who counts in the group?
All people?
Only people?
Future people?