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Rationalizing the Church’s Involvement
Due to current challenges and issues that exist in our contemporary society, like massive poverty, inequality, discrimination, racism, the gap between the rich and the poor, and environmental degradation, the Church is called to be involved in responding and eradicating those social concerns in order to become effective herald of the Gospel.
Global Realities of the Church’s Involvement
Due to global concerns like war, hunger, poverty, global warming, climate change, apathy, and challenges brought about by secularism, materialism, neoliberalism, and globalization, the Church is called to be involved in responding to those issues.
Local Realities of the Church’s Involvement
The Church is also called to be involved in promoting justice, solidarity, and the common good through active participation and cooperation in community development, promotion of human dignity, justice, peace, and environmental education.
As One Church
The lay faithful play a crucial role in sharing the Gospel through their lives in work, culture, science, and social responsibilities. They are encouraged to cultivate a genuine lay spirituality that transforms them and engages them in society. This spirituality helps them contribute to making the world holy through their unique roles and responsibilities, aligning their actions with God's plan. By doing so, laymen and women bring their faith into all areas of life, participating in the Church's mission through their Baptism and Confirmation.
Promoting the Culture of Dialogue
The sacred dignity of each person and the call to love one's neighbor as a way to love God requires respectful dialogue to address differences and conflicts in religious, political, economic, social, and cultural areas. This dialogue helps individuals move beyond their perspectives, promoting community understanding. This conversational approach is especially effective among Filipinos, who believe in the saying “Walang hindi nadadaan sa mabubuting usapan,” meaning every issue can be resolved through peaceful discussion.
Translating Faith into Our Thoughts, Words, and Actions
As Catholics, it is essential to witness our faith through concrete actions rather than just words, emphasizing the need to "walk our talk." The journey from curiosity to advocacy begins with raising awareness of social problems through various exposures and immersions, which serves as the first step in translating faith into action. This awareness should then be followed by a personal commitment to initiate and organize advocacy projects that promote human development and well-being.
Salamanca Congress: Dominicans in the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights
The congress brings together leaders from Dominican intellectual institutions to promote and protect human rights. Its goal is to enhance the Dominican Family's intellectual and apostolic life through collaborative projects. This includes revisiting the Dominicans' historical role in human rights, evaluating their current efforts, creating networks and policies to prioritize human rights in preaching, and building partnerships at local, regional, and international levels to defend marginalized groups' rights.
UST-OCD-Simbahayanan (TOMAS) Experience
It has effectively engaged in community organizing with its partner communities, leveraging the experience of the organization to implement various projects and programs. It has also provided training in organizing, management, and program and project analysis to enhance systematic approaches to community engagement.