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The term “culture” comes from the Latin word that meant “______________”
to cultivate or improve
It was originally used in the term “_________” to refer to the cultivation or improvement of land for growing food plants
Culture refers to the whole ______ a participant in a society has, including:
Knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, standards, morals, law, customs, arts, habits acquired by member of society
we experience the world differently than everyone else
Our culture is an integral part of our __________
Through __________, we socialize children and embed the cultural values, beliefs, etc. in their ______
language; identity
In addition, culture informs us about what is an appropriate form of communication, such as:
Rules of discourse and of storytelling
Pragmatic rules regarding who speaks to whom and what subjects are acceptable for discussion, and which are not (curse words)
a category of humankind that shares certain distinctive physical traits, particularly skin color, hair texture, and facial features
of or relating to large groups of people who have the same customs, beliefs, values, religion, place of origin, etc.
a developmental process that evolves over an extended period. Both individuals and organizations are at various levels of awareness, knowledge, and skills along the continuum.
cultural competence
cultural competence is the ________________ about individuals and groups of people into specific _______, ______, ______, and _______ used in appropriate cultural settings to increase the quality of services; thereby producing __________
integration and transformation of knowledge; standards, policies, practices, and attitudes; better outcomes
the ability to learn from and relate respectfully with people of your own culture as well as those from other cultures
cultural responsitivity
Many people within our discipline and across disciplines prefer the term cultural responsivity – WHY?
competence can be misunderstood as knowing enough about something and not needing to learn more
responsitivity can mean you learn more as you go
Most of what we use to identify _____ and ______ differences in the US is cultural ancestry and cultural identity in the form of __________
racial and ethnic; identifiable behaviors
Most individuals in this country who are 2nd to 3rd generation American identify as …
Newer immigrants may still identify more with … than with …
their culture of origin; “american” culture
immigration has been and is now still a hot political issue where?
in the US and many parts of the world
Human interaction and communication always has some conflict based on…
drives, motivations, attitudes, values, etc.
_________ communication with people of different cultures may be challenging
Cultures provide people with ways of thinking--ways of seeing, hearing, and _______________ our experiences affect these
interpreting the world
_________ can mean different things to people from different cultures, even when they speak the "same" language
The same words
“in a little while” could mean 10 min or and hour
When the languages are different, and translation must be used to communicate, the potential for misunderstandings _____. why?
increases; we don’t always have a one to one correspondance
who describes three ways in which culture interferes with effective cross-cultural understanding?
what are the three factors?
Stella Ting-Toomey
cognitive constraints
behavior constraints
emotional constraints
the frames of reference or world views that provide a backdrop that all new information is compared to or inserted into. my experiences are going to shape how I view your behaviors.
cognitive constraints
Each culture has its own rules about proper behavior which affect verbal and nonverbal communication
behavior constraints
Whether one looks the other person in the eye-or not; whether one says what one means overtly or talks around the issue; how close the people stand to each other when they are talking--all of these and many more are _________ which differ from culture to culture
rules of politeness
hugging, smack on the cheek, eye contact
Different cultures regulate the display of emotion differently. Some cultures get very emotional when they are debating an issue. They yell, they cry, they exhibit their anger, fear, frustration, and other feelings openly.
Other cultures try to keep their emotions hidden, exhibiting or sharing only the "rational" or factual aspects of the situation.
emotional constraints
All of these differences tend to lead to ____________.
If the people involved are not aware of the potential for such problems, they are even more likely to __________, although it takes more than _______ to overcome these problems and ______ effectively across cultures
communication problems
fall victim to them; awareness; communicate
just because you are aware does not mean that you will be successful. we aren’t just treating the patient but the family
Conflict can occur in communication across ___________
cultural boundaries
Cross-cultural conflict is also occurring across _______ and _______ boundaries, and, as such, leads to intercultural miscommunication and misunderstanding that may not even reach a ______ level
cognitive and perceptual; conscious (don’t know where they went wrong)
For every conflict, there are at least two perspectives on what is happening in that conflict: what are they?
realism and constructivism
the belief that reality exists independent of the observers
a theory of knowledge that argues that humans generate knowledge and meaning from an interaction between their experiences and their ideas
the combination of both ________ and ______________ that makes communication conflict complex
objective and subjective dimensions
From the standpoint of the SLP, we are called to have some level of a ____________ approach
the constructivism approach requires that we find…
That is, we have to build an understanding of communication disorders and goals to address those communications disorders from an interaction between the _______ and the _____ of the participants
those commonalities that can serve as a foundation for communication
experience and ideas
as SLPs we need to ______ a plan to provide services that look at _______ instead of _________ in culture
contruct; commonalities; differences
In a broader sense, there is a very heavy cultural overlay in what is considered “______” or “______” language and speech
This in turn affects the way society treats those who have _____ and _____ disorders
“normal” or “typical”
language and speech disorders
Language and speech are said to be disordered or impaired if they differ from what is considered _____
the norm
what may be considered disordered in one culture …
will not necessarily be disordered in another culture.
_____ or _____ are seen to play a key role in some communities that may determine whether those with language and speech disorders seek treatment or not and the extent of the treatment
for example… (cleft palate)
Religion or beliefs
those who believe that a cleft is a punishment from God might be offending God more by having it clinically repaired. they may often seek treatment too late, when the surgery may not be as effective as it would be if early intervention occurs
culture and the SLP
what is our role here?
It is the SLPs job to construct communication “norms” and “goals” from our experiences and whatever knowledge we can accumulate about a given culture...you will NOT be an expert in all cultures you come into contact with...its how you approach each situation...
It is also our job to try to reduce communication conflict by working with members of other cultures to construct a common reality that addresses an individual’s needs
Developing cultural “competence”/humility is a dynamic and complex process requiring ongoing ____________ and continuous expansion of one's _________
self-assessment; cultural knowledge.
culture evolves over time, beginning with an understanding of __________, continuing through interactions with ____________________, and extending through one's ________________
one's own culture; individuals from various cultures; own expansion of knowledge
How does an SLP increase cultural awareness and cultural responsiveness/humility?
At a first level, the SLP should to be aware of some broad cultural differences:
Individualism and Collectivism
The Power Distance Variable
Time Orientation
Nonverbal and Verbal Communication
individuals from cultures that value the good of the group, it is more important than the good of the individual, may be reluctant to consider individual goals for someone with a communication disorder
individuals and collectivism
how individuals in different cultures respond to directives from others depends on their perception of the status of each person, subordinate/superior. Treatment directives, especially at home, may or may not be carried out.
look at who we can communicate with and how we communicate with them
the power distance variable
time orientation
individuals from cultures that value long term and future planning will value long term goals. Individuals from cultures that are past and present oriented may not
many differences can exist in both _______ and _____ communication and may result in conflict. ex?
nonverbal and verbal; eye-contact
ASHA makes the following statement about cultural “_________” and providing speech language pathology services:
“Professional _________ across professions and settings requires that audiologists and speech-language pathologists (SLPs) practice in a manner that considers the impact of cultural variables and language exposure and acquisition on their clients/patients.”
ASHA also states that: “Responsiveness to the cultural and linguistic differences that affect identification, assessment, treatment, and management includes:
completing ____________ to consider the influence of one's own biases and beliefs and the potential impact on service delivery
identifying and acknowledging _________ in education, training, and knowledge and seeking additional resources and education to develop cultural competence via continuing education, networking with community members, etc.;
culturally humble/aware clinicians ________ respect for an individual's race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity/gender expression, age, religion, nation origin, sexual orientation, and/or ability
culturally humble/aware clinicians ________ clients' traditions, customs, values, and beliefs in service delivery
culturally humble/aware clinicians ________ the impact of assimilation and acculturation on communication patterns during identification, assessment, treatment, and management of a communication disorder/difference
culturally humble/aware clinicians identify appropriate intervention and assessment strategies and materials that do not ______ the client's unique values and/or create a chasm between the clinician and client and his/her community
culturally humble/aware clinicians use _____________ communication with clients, caregivers, and family so that information presented during counseling is provided in a health-literate format consistent with clients' cultural values
culturally appropriate
________ IS _________
communication IS culture
Identifying _________ and ________ allows us to become more aware of our own values and beliefs and then we are better equipped to adjust to those of others
cultural similarities and differences
high context communication vs low context communication
high context
beating around the bush
reading nonverbal cues
need a lot of information
low context
blunt, can come across rude
yes=yes, no=no
culture is _______
there are _______ within cultures
even though someone looks like they are apart of a culture but they may not be
ethnicity, region, and marriage can affect culture
what should SLPs do when they lack knowledge about a specific culture?
what is one way SLPs can increase cultural awareness?
seek additional resources and education
completing self-assessment of own biases and beliefs
What does ASHA state is required of us to consider when practicing professional competence?
the impact of cultural variables and language exposure