killings that fit the original meaning of 'murder' - intentional killings planned in advance
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'implied' malice aforethought
intentional killings without preplanning or malice aforethought
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subjective fault
fault that requires a bad mind in the actor
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objective fault
requires no purposeful or conscious bad mind in the actor
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strict liability
liability with objective or subjective fault
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general intent
the intent to commit a criminal act as defined in the statute
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specific intent
criminal intent in addition to the criminal act
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factual cause
if it weren't for the actor's conduct, the result would've never happened
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legal cause
is it fair to blame the defendant for the harmful chain of events their act set in motion
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intervening cause
an event that comes between the initial act and the ending result
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superseding cause
an intervening act or force that the law considers sufficient to override the cause for which the original wrongdoer was responsible
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failure of proof defense
mistake defenses in which defendants usually present enough evidence to raise a reasonable doubt that the prosecution has proved the mens rea required for criminal liability
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the crime of lawfully gaining possession of someone else's property and later converting it to one's own use
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abuse of trust crimes
crimes growing out of opportunities to get someone else's property that was entrusted to the perpetrators because of their occupation, now known as white- collar crimes
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consolidated theft statutes
eliminate needlessly separating theft into distinct offenses according to their actus reus; comprises crimes of taking and carrying away, converting, or swindling to gain possession of someone else's property
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white collar crimes
crimes growing out of opportunities to get someone else's property that was entrusted to the perpetrators because of their occupation