Lord Liverpool's Government

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What difficulties did Lord Liverpool inherit?

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What difficulties did Lord Liverpool inherit?

  • Worry for British farmers as foreign grain would be cheap and re-enter the British market

  • National debt from the French Wars

  • Ireland

  • Effects of industrialization

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What weaknesses did Lord Liverpool’s gov have?

  • Liverpool was not in the House of Commons, no communication

  • Queen Caroline affair

  • Arguing within the cabinet, Canning + Castlereagh

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What were the Corn Laws?

  • Passed in 1815

  • 80 shilling price until foreign trade

  • Colonial wheat allowed in at 67 shillings

  • Corn dealers could store grain in warehouses until the price was high enough

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What were the effects of the Corn Laws?

  • Artificially inflated the price for the poor, less spending in economy overall

  • Farmers and Landowners had guarantied income

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What repressive measures did Liverpool introduce?

  • Income Tax Repeal 1816

  • The Game Laws 1816

  • Suspension of Habeas Corpus 1817

  • The Six Acts 1819

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What were the Income Tax Repeals 1816?

  • Result of pressure from MPs, said it was wartime only policy

  • Raised indirect taxes on candles, beer, sugar + salt to make up the lost, poor turned to poaching

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What were The Game Laws 1816?

  • Tightened already strict poaching laws and made it landowners-only

  • Punishment could be 7 years transportation

  • Poor had to starve as they couldn’t afford food (Corn Laws)

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What caused the 1817 suspension of Habeas Corpus?

  • Worrying attack on the Prince Regent’s coach

  • Spa Field Riots

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What were the Six Acts 1819?

  • Series of repressive measures to deal with high unrest levels (Peterloo massacure)

  • Outlawed unofficial military training, seditious meetings, stamp duties on newspapers, magistrates special powers to search homes for weapons, sped up judicial process in court

  • All aimed to silence the radical population

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What was the Pentrich Rebellion?

  • June 1917 in the East Midlands

  • Bacon, Brandreth, Ludlam + Turner planned to march to Nottingham to London to overthrow the government for worker’s rights

  • Rallied 50 people to set out, Brandreth threatened to shoot those who didn’t join

  • Gov. already aware due to Oliver the Spy infiltrating the march

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What was the outcome of the Pentrich Rebellion?

  • Didn’t work, the main men fled after a confrentation

  • Eventually arrested with the last arrest being in August of that year

  • 12 found not guilty, 23 convicted, 3 transported for 14 years, 11 transported for life

  • Brandreth, Ludlam, Turner were hung

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What were the Blanketeers?

  • Cotton weavers wore their blankets to protest against low pay and their lack of rights

  • Peaceful protest from Manchester to London

  • Failed protest as nothing changed

  • Stockport authority brutally killed some of the marchers

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What was the Peterloo Massacure?

  • August 1819

  • Mass meeting in St. Peter’s field of 60,000

  • Main Speaker “The Orator” Hunt arrested, 11 killed, 400 injured

  • Fight for more political rights and parliamentary reform

  • Overreaction of a response from yeomanry, condemning actions led to the Six/Gagging acts

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What did Luddites do?

  • Aimed to remove machinery and minimize automation by destroying them

  • Concentrated in the Midlands

  • Occasionally attacked Factory owners

  • Died down, mainly because of the framebreaking act 1812

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What was the Framebreaking Act 1812?

  • Made luddism/breaking machinery illegal

  • Punishment of Transportation

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What was the Spa Field Riot?

  • 1816

  • Aimed to achieve political rights by the Spencians Thistlewood, Dr Watson

  • Planned to attack a gunsmith and then take over all the British Banks

  • Plan failed as there was a spy for the government

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What was The Cato Street Conspiracy?

  • 1820

  • Aimed to kill the entire government and overthrow it due to general discontent

  • Thistlewood was involved, threat of bombs

  • Executions and Transportation for those involved

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When was Liverpool’s repressive era?

  • 1815-1821

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When was Liverpool's enlightenment era?

  • 1821-27

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Why did the Tories become more “Enlightened”?

  • There was a cabinet reshuffle in-between August 1822 to January 1823

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What was the Combinations Act Repeal?

  • 1824

  • Allowed Trade Unions to form again

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What was the Reciprocity of Duties Act?

  • 1823

  • Allowed free entry of foreign ships into Britain on the same basis as their British counterparts

  • Reduced import costs

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What were the Penal Code reforms?

  • 1825-28

  • 278 legal reforms

  • 189 offenses had the death penalty abolished

  • Included Juries Regulation Act 1825

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When were the Metropolitan Police introduced?

  • 1829

  • Result of a crime rise in London

  • 3000 paid officers financed by ratepayers

  • Many saw it as a removal of liberties

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What was the Amending Act?

  • Only allowed Trade Unions to exist for wage disputes

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What was the Truck Act?

  • 1820

  • Prevents people recieving payment in other ways than wages

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What was the Factory Act?

  • 1819

  • Prevented children under 9 and women working underground

  • Regulated hours of work for anyone under 16

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What were the features of Enlightened Toryism?

  • 1821-27

  • Younger, more middle class outlook

  • Desire for government running efficiency

  • Free Trade

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What does Enlightenment entail?

  • Freedom of Religion

  • Political Rights

  • Right to free expression

  • Free Trade

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Who were considered Enlightened Tories in the cabinet reshuffle?

  • 1821-23

  • Canning (Foreign Secretary replacement for Castlereigh)

  • Robert Peel (Home Secretary replacement for Sidmouth)

  • Robinson (Chancellor replacement of Vansittart)

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What were the Chancellor’s budgets?

  • 1821-27

  • Introduced series of far-sighted budgets that reduced indirect taxation

  • Reduced domestic duties and promoted free trade

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When did O’Connell found the Catholic Association?

  • 1823

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What did the Catholic Association do that made it so unique?

  • Charged “Catholic Rent” at a penny per month

  • Enabled funding for campaigns

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What was the County Clare election?

  • 1828

  • Fitzgerald Vs O’Connell

  • Catholic Association convinced the people to vote for O’Connell

  • Won the election, raised catholic emancipation issue as he was Catholic

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When was Catholic Emancipation?

  • Passed in 1829

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Who were the main three radical personalities?

  • Major Cartwright

  • William Cobbett

  • Henry “Orator” Hunt

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What did Major Cartwright do?

  • Established over 100 debating societies (Hampden clubs)

  • Led a colourful political existence and prominent in radical movment

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What did William Cobbett do?

  • Radical journalist

  • Famous “Political Register” (Two Penny Trash) important in development of w/c development

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What did Henry “orator” Hunt do?

  • Most recognisable spokesperson of w/c radicalism

  • Owned 3000 acres of land

  • Claim to radical fame was ability to stir up protest and feelings amongst the masses

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