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When was Mary Queen of Scots born?
December 8th 1542
How did Mary Queen of Scots have a claim to the throne?
She was descended from Margret Tudor, Henry VIII’s sister
Her claim was legitimate, and couldn’t be denied unlike Elizabeth who was facing protests from Catholics
Why may Mary Queen of Scots claim to the throne be seen as more legitimate that Elizabeth’s?
Elizabeth’s legitimacy was debated over, especially by Catholics due to the situation with Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon and her mother Anne Boleyne
This undermined Elizabeth’s claim to the Throne
How was Mary Queen of Scots related to Henry VII?
Who was Mary Queen of Scot’s mother?
Mary of Guise
When did Mary Queen of Scots become queen of Scotland?
at 6 days old
Who ruled Scotland on Mary’s behalf until she was old enough?
her mother, Mary of Guise
Who was Mary Queen of Scots married to?
Francis II, King of France
What religion was Mary Queen of Scots?
Why did Mary, Queen of Scots’ religion make her a threat to the Crown?
Many Catholics, included members of the nobility would be prepared to support her claim to the Throne
it would also ignite plots from abroad to put a legitimate, Catholic heir as the monarch of England
Which group of people in Scotland did not like Mary being queen and why?
Scottish protestants
They did not like the French, Catholic influence overbearing Scotland
They also didn’t like a foreign woman being the ruler
What did the Scottish lords in Scotland do to Mary and why?
They rebelled
When was the Scottish rebellion?
Who did Elizabeth support in the Scottish rebellion and why?
Scottish protestants
She didn’t like the increasing French and Catholic influence in Scotland is it was a threat to her
How did Elizabeth support the Scottish protestant rebels?
Initially, she was wary of sending help due to the constant threat of Scotland and France
She secretly supported Scotland by sending money, and she eventually sent troops
What treaty ended the conflict in Scotland?
Treaty of Edinburgh
When was the Treaty of Edinburgh signed?
What were the terms of the Treaty of Edinburgh?
Mary gave up her claim to the English throne
She eventually became a puppet to the protestant lords
Did Elizabeth want to make Mary the heir to the Scottish throne? Why or why not?
No because it would
cause divisions
weaken her position
Did Mary approve of the Treaty of Edinburgh, and why?
No because she wanted to be the heir to the English throne
What event catalysed Mary’s return to Scotland?
death of Francis II, King of Scotland
When did Francis II die?
Who did Mary marry after Francis II died?
Lord Darnley
When did Elizabeth marry Lord Darnley?
When did Mary and Lord Darnley have James?
When was Lord Darnley murdered?
Who did Mary Queen of Scots marry after Lord Darnley was murdered?
Earl of Bothwell
When did Mary and Earl of Bothwell marry?
What did the Scots assume happened to Lord Darnley and what did they do as a result?
they assumed Mary murdered Darnley
they rebelled against her, imprisoned her, forced her to abdicate
When did Protestant Scottish lords imprison Mary and force her to abdicate in favour of James?
What did Mary attempt to do in response to the Protestant rebellion (1568) and was this successful?
she raised an army
Where was Mary’s army defeated?
Langside near Glasgow
When did Mary flee to England and why?
she was seeking Elizabeth’s help in defeating the Scottish rebels
How did Elizabeth treat Elizabeth when she fled to England?
She was imprisoned but held in comfort
She was under guard until Elizabeth decided what to do with her
What did the Scottish rebels want Elizabeth to do with Mary?
they demanded Mary be handed over so she could be tried for the murder of Lord Darnley
Why did Mary’s arrival in England create such an issue for Elizabeth?
By remaining in England, Mary could encourage Catholic rebellion
However, acting against Mary would show defiance against the Divine Right and would therefore encourage the rebellion of anointed monarchs, reducing Elizabeth’s power
What were Elizabeth’s options regarding Mary between 1568-69?
Help Mary regain the throne
Hand Mary over to the Scottish Lords
Allow Mary to go abroad
Keep Mary in England
Why should Elizabeth help Mary regain the throne?
If Mary was Queen of Scotland again, she may be in debt to Elizabeth
It could make Mary abandon any desires of being on the English throne
What would be the problems is Elizabeth helped Mary regain the throne?
It would anger the Scottish nobility
She would be facing a Scottish monarch on the northern border
The Auld Alliance with France could be revived to threaten her
Why should Elizabeth hand Mary over to the Scottish lords?
The Scots would be in debt to Elizabeth
The Lords would support her
What would be the problems is Elizabeth handed Mary over to the Scottish lords?
Her imprisonment, with Elizabeth’s permission, could provoke France and cause an alliance with Spain
They may execute her, setting an idea it is okay to overthrow and kill monarchs
Why should Elizabeth allow Mary to go abroad?
it would stop English catholics attempting to put her on the throne
she wouldn’t be executed
What would be the problems is Elizabeth allowed Mary to go abroad?
Perhaps allies abroad would aid her in invading
Provoke threats from France
Why should Elizabeth keep Mary in England?
No plots from enemies abroad
What would be the problems is Elizabeth kept Mary in England?
risked Catholic plotters from England attempting to overthrow her
What was the Casket Letters Affair
The meeting set up to hear Mary’s case on the murder of Lord Darnley
Where was the meeting to hear the case against Mary?
When was the meeting to hear the case against Mary?
October 1568 → January 1569
What did the Scottish lords bring with them to prove Mary’s guilt?
love letters, supposedly written by Mary to the Earl of Bothwell that showed she had plotted Lorn Darnley’s murder
What did Mary claim in her defence?
She was an anointed monarch and would not offer a plea unless Elizabeth guaranteed a verdict of innocence
What was the result of the hearing?
No conclusions reached
Mary remained captive in England
By not handing over Mary, what did Elizabeth ensure?
The Scottish nobility would not imprison or execute Mary
The French would be satisfied
An anointed monarch was not punished
Why did Elizabeth not make Mary her heir?
It would upset English Protestants, whom she could not afford to lose the support of due to already rocky relations with Catholics
Could result in civil war