A region that has a particular geomorphology that is significantly different from that of adjacent regions.
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refers to the physical features and processes of landforms, and their relation to geological structures
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what are the 5 geographic regions of georgia
Coastal Plain
Blue Ridge
Valley and Ridge
Appalachian Plateau
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What is the fall line in georgia?
A geological boundary that separates the Piedmont region from the Coastal Plain region of Georgia. Characterized by series of waterfalls, the start of major river systems (Oconee, Flint, Chattahoochee, Ocmulgee, Savannah). MILLY IS LOCATED ON THE FALL LINE
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**what is the Coastal Plain**
Flattest province, Slopes gently seaward from inward highlands in a series of terraces youngest georgia province, begins at fall line, Characterized by softer sediment and deep navigable rivers (sedimentary rock)
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what is the **Piedmont**
Located above the fall line, more streams rather than rivers, Highly complex metamorphic and igneous rocks thoroughly weathered to produce an area of minimum relief (schist, gneiss, granite), Elevation increases slightly in this area as you go up towards the north of ga
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Blue ridge
Top right corner of ga, mountainous area, Made of highly deformed metamorphic rock (schists, gneisses, slates, quartzites)
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Valley and Ridge (or Ridge and Valley)
Series of anticlines and synclines (older strata->younger strata->older strata) due to folding and erosion, Limestones, shales, conglomerates, sandstone
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what is a mineral? (what are the 5 qualifying characteristics)
naturally occurring
crystalline structure
definite chemical composition
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what are the ways you can determine different types of minerals?
1. Color 2. Streak 3. Luster 4. Diaphaneity 5. Cleavage 6. Fracture 7. Hardness 8. Odor 9. Taste 10. Feel 11. Chemical Reaction 12. Specific Gravity 13. Magnetic
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Streaks in determining different types of minerals…
color of a mineral when powdered
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Color in minerals…
can determine what kind of crystal it is
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what is luster…
appearance of a mineral in reflected light (metallic or non-metallic)
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what is Diaphaneity
the ability to transmit light
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what is Cleavage
the mineral will break along a plane of weakness (smooth flat surface); For 1 plane, look for sheets like a paper stack,For more than 1 plane, look for staircases, Some minerals can have same # of planes, When this occurs we look at the orientation, Orientation is either “90°” or “not 90°”
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what is Fracture
**when minerals do not have a plane of weakness and do not break along a flat surface (ex. hackle, conchoidal, irregular)**
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what is Hardness…
**relative resistance to scratching…**
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what is oder…
the distinct smell of a rock
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what is taste…
the distinct flavor of a rock
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what is feel…
the distinct feel of a rock such as, grainy, greasy, soft
Shale: Made of mud and clay sediment and Have layers
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what are the characteristics of the crystalline texture?
Form as water evaporates \n Gypsum and Halite precipitate out and “grow” in their depositional \n Env and exhibit crystalline structure
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what are the characteristics of the bioclastic texture?
Plant debris compacted into sedimentary layers \n Composes of pre-existing plant materials (Bioclastic texture
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what are some characteristic of carbonate rocks?
Calcite is the major component – it fizzes with HCL \n Limestone – primary rock on “Carbonate Platforms” \n Indicate Marine environments \n Shallow, warm, tropical regions that lack silicate minerals
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what are the textures of carbonate rocks?
Micrite – Fine grained carbonate mud (crystalline Texture) \n Coquina – Composed of broken shells (Bioclastic Texture) \n Chalk – come from plankton shells in deep water (Bioclastic Texture
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what does metamorphosis mean?
when a rocks internal structure and texture changed to anothe
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what are metamorphic rocks?
Rocks that have gone under physical or chemical changes due to exposure to heat and pressure
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what is metamorphic heat?
Comes from geothermal gradient and magmatic intrusions
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what are the 2 types of metamorphic heat?
magnetic intrusions and Geothermal Gradients
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what is a magmetic intrusion?
(nearby magma can increase the temperature
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what is a geothermal gradient?
Beneath the Earths surface, as the depth increases, temperature increases
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what are the 2 types of metamorphic pressures?
direct and lithostatic
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what does protolith mean?
the parent rock, a rock that will become a new rock, often sedimentary rocks.
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what are the 2 textures of sedimentary rocks?
foliated and non foliated
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what does foliated mean?
Exhibit Parallel arrangement of platy materials, Minerals aligned \n perpendicular to major axis of stress, lithostatic pressure,
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what does non-foliated mean?
lack parallel arrangement, some minerals will not align such as \n calcite and quartz, some will change with lots of heat and minimal pressure
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what do 2 dimensional maps display?
Campus, county, highway
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what do 3-dimensional maps
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how are maps created?
Remote sensing and compute processing, Photographs, radar images, false color images, GIS, ect.
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what is latitude (parallels)?
North and South of Equator
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what is Longitude (Meridians)?
East and West of Prime Meridian
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expression in degrees…
Each degree is divided by 60 minute, Each minute is divided by 60 second, Each degree is equal to approximately = 69 mile
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where is Milledgeville?
3305’00’’ North of the equator
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Large scale maps have what…
map has “large” detail on smaller area; smaRatio is smaller
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small scale maps have what?
map has “small” detail over larger area; ratio is larger
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what does half life mean?
How long it takes something to decrease by half of its original amount.