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By-product of resistance
Resistors are rated for….
Resistance, Tolerance, Wattage
A component with the ability to control current flow electrically
An Active Device
Resistors in series are connected
End to End, in a straight line.
Resistors in parallel are connected
Side by side, across
Resistors connected in series are used as
Voltage Dividers
Voltage Divider Formula
V1=(R1/RT) * VT
Total resistance in series can be calculated by obtaining
The sum of the individual loads
Total resistance in a parrallel brach or circuit will be less then the
lowest value of resistance
If all the resistors in parallel are equal value the formula for calculating total resistance is
Resistor value / Number of resistors
General Formula for Calculating Total Resistance in a Parallel Circut
1/ 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3
Parallel resistor circuts act as
Current Dividers
For a parallel circuit, the smaller the braches resistor value
The greater the current flow
Current Divider Formula
I_x=(R_T * I_T)/R_x
Resistance Formula for a Individual Load
Series-Parallel circuits combine resistors in ----- with resistors in --—
Series, parallel
Total resistance in a Series-Parallel circuit
Is the total resistance of the parallel branches plus the resistors in series.
If R3 is short
Circuit becomes a parralel circuit.
If R1 is open
It becomes a series circut