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chemicals/molecules in saliva
What is the stimulus for gustation?
bitterness, sourness, sweetness, umami, saltiness
What are the 5 basic tastes?
olfactory, gustatory
Flavor results from combination of _________ and ________ info
10,000, 20-50
humans have ______ taste buds, each with __ to __ receptor cells
fungiform, foliate, circumvallate
3 kids of papillae that differ in appearance and location
bitter, sweet, umami
Which tastants are chemotropic and use GPCR pathways?
sour, salt
Which tastants are ionotropic?
sour taste cells allows _____ ions to enter taste receptors; H+, K+
salt allows ____ ions to enter taste receptors
monosodium glutamate (MSG)
one of the receptors involved in the umami taste responds to glutamate and ___________ ___________
the influx of ____ ions allows for transmitter release in a taste receptor
gustatory pathway
describe the pathway of the gustatory system
olfactory epithelium
olfactory receptor cells are found within the ________ ________
olfactory receptors are ______ neurons
olfactory pathway
describe the olfactory pathway
olfactory anatomy
describe olfactory anatomy