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organic compounds insoluble in water
Types of Lipids
s, oils, complex sterolsfa
Lipid Energy
concentrated, 2.25 times that of carbohydrates
Glycolipid Structure
carbohydrates and lipids
Lipoprotein Structure
proteins and lipids
Lipoprotein Function
constituents of cells, carry cholesterol in blood
Types of Lipoproteins
high density lipoproteins, low density lypoproteins
Phospholipid Structure
phosphorus and lipids
Phospholipid Function
part of cell membranes
Types of Sterols
vitamin D, cholesterol
Essential Fatty Acid Structure
fatty acids of different lengths, glycerol molecule
Fatty Acid
chains of carbons, 2-12
Saturated Fatty Acid
all single bonds in the carbon chain
Unsaturated Fatty Acid
one or more double bonds in the carbon chain
Monounsaturated Fatty Acid
only one double bond in the fatty acid
Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid
more than one double bond in the fatty acid
Lipid Classification
physical consistency at room temperature
liquid at room temperature, short chains of fatty acids, unsaturated
solid at room temperature, saturated or longer chain fatty acids
lipid made of three fatty acids
Characteristics of Triglyceride Determinants
saturated versus unsaturated, short chain versus long chain
Primary Site of Fat Digestion
small intestine, bile and lipse
Bile Function
emulsifies fats to increase the surface area for lipase
enzyme that breaks down fats, produced by the pancreas
Lipase Function
hydrolyzes triglycerides to produce fatty acids and glycerol
Fatty Acid Absorption
complexed with bile and absorbed
Fat Metabolism in Tissues
transform back into triglycerides
Long Chain Fat Transportation
lymphatic system
Short Chain Fat Transportation
transported via blood
Lipid Type and Absorption
oil absorption is higher than fats
Fat Purpose Absorption
adequate fat needed for fat soluble vitamin absorption
Fat Function
used to synthesize compounds, stored as energy reserve
Fat Metabolism Products
CO2, H2O, heat, ATP
metabolic disease caused when the energy metabolizing process shuts down
produced when energy metabolism shuts down
Ketosis Cause
metabolism of a lot of fats
Microbes and Fats
can saturate fatty acids, altering the structure
Protected Fat
ruminant feed ingredient to preserve the energy in feed, prevents energy loss to microbial fermentation
Feed Fat Percent
Essential Fatty Acids
required but cannot be synthesized in adequate amounts
Essential Fatty Acid Examples
linoleic acid, linolenic acid
Linoleic Acid
C18:2, omega 6
Linolenic Acid
C18:3, omega 3
Essential Fatty Acid Function
part of lipid cell membranes and prostaglandins
Fat Deficiency
not widely seen except in poultry
Fat Feed Sources
high in fats through corn and soybean oils
Body Fat Deposits
reflect type and amount of dietary lipids
Result of Feeding Oils
less saturated, softer, lower melting point carcass fat
Feeding Ruminants Oils
minor changes in dietary fats don't have major effects
organic substances required in small amounts
Types of Vitamins
water soluble, fat soluble
Water Soluble Vitamins
b complex, c
Fat Soluble Vitamins
a, d, e, k
B Complex Vitamins
B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12
Vitamin B1
Vitamin B2
Vitamin B3
Vitamin B5
pantothenic acid
Vitamin B6
pyridoxine and pyridoxamine
Vitamin B12
Water Soluble Vitamin Function
enzyme cofactors for reactions
Biotin Coenzyme and Reaction
biocytin, carboxylation
Cobalamin Coenzyme and Reaction
cobalamin, alkylation
Folic Acid Coenzyme and Reaction
tetrahydrofolate, 1C group transfer
Lipoic Acid Reaction
acyl transfer
Niacin Coenzyme and Reaction
nicotinamide, redox
Pantothenate Coenzyme and Reaction
coenzyme A, acyl transfer
Pyridoxine Coenzyme and Reaction
pyridoxal phosphate, amino transfer
Riboflavin Coenzyme and Reaction
flavin, redox
Thiamine Coenzyme and Reaction
thiamine pyrophosphate, aldehyde transfer
Vitamin A Function
vision and epithelial cells
Vitamin D Function
calcium absorption, bone deposition
Vitamin E Function
metabolic antioxidant
Vitamin K Function
normal blood clotting
Vitamin Storage Sites
mostly liver, some kidney, spleen
Vitamin Storage Structure
bound to specific proteins
Vitamin Storage Release
released to maintain constant levels
Vitamins in MIlk
important, colostrum is very high in vitamins
Vitamin Absorption
mainly in small intestine
Animal Vitamin Synthesized
B complex and vitamin K
Ruminant Vitamin Synthesis
in the rumen and large intestine, low or no dietary requirement
Monogastric Vitamin Synthesis
in the large intestine
Monogastric Vitamin Absorption
varies by vitamin and species
Water Soluble Vitamin Absorption
more efficient in upper intestine
Fat Soluble Vitamin Absorption
better with adequate dietary fat and bile
Vitamin Active Form
transformation must take place for vitamin activty
vitamin D2 precursor, transformed in skin after UV light exposure
Carotenoid Pigments
from plants, converted to vitamin A in small intestine or liver
Vitamin Deficiency Symptoms
anorexia, reduced growth, dermatitis, weakness, incoordination
Vitamin A Deficiency Symptoms
blindness (night, color, or total)
Vitamin D Deficiency Symptoms
rickets and bone disorders
Vitamin K Deficiency Symptoms
tissue hemorrhages
Ruminant Vitamin Deficiency Concerns
vitamin A
Swine Vitamin Deficiency Concerns
riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), B12, choline, A, D< E
Poultry Vitamin Deficiency Concerns
watch all nutrients
Water Soluble Vitamin Transport
absorbed into blood and travel freely
Fat Soluble Vitamin Transport
absorbed into lymph then blood, travel with protein carriers
Water Soluble Vitamin Excretion and Toxicity
kidneys detect and remove, possibility of toxicity with supplements
Fat Soluble Vitamin Excretion and Toxicity
excess remains in fat storage, likely toxicity possibility
solid crystalline inorganic components, cannot be decomposed or synthesized