in temporal lobe; responsible for learning & memory
middle of brain stem; controls unconscious systems (breathing & sleep patterns)
prefrontal cortex
front part of frontal lobe; its what makes us human (social skills & problem solving)
somatosensory cortex
in parietal lobe; processing of sensory/motor sensations and receives info from body (pain/touch/pressure/temp)
pineal gland (& melatonin)
receives info from environment (light/dark) & secretes melatonin for sleep
broca’s area
in frontal cortex; speech & word articulation (interacts with motor cortex)
back of brain/attached to brain stem; regulates motor movements & balance
olfactory bulb
in limbic system/connects to midbrain (hypothalamus specifically); odor detection & processing
deep in temporal lobe (almond shaped); fight or flight (processes danger)
in cerebral cortex; sends all information
motorcontrol cortex
in frontal lobe; planning/control/executing movement (like walking)
reticular formation
in brainstem; arousal & sleep to wake transition, automatic motor sensory
cingulate gyrus
in limbic system (above corpus callosum); emotion regulation & helps us understand consequences (how i react to my environment)
thyroid gland
neck area; releases hormones T3 & T4, regulates metabolism (what nutrients are processed & how)
primary auditory cortex
in temporal lobe; comprehends complex sounds (like language)
adrenal glands (epinephrine & norepinephrine
small gland on top of kidneys; regulates hormones (epinephrine helps neurons communicate & norepinephrine transmits nerve signals to nerve endings);; fight or flight
angulate gyrus
top part of occipital lobe (there’s left/right side, mostly right); comprehends written language/ perceives lines, curves, shapes
angulate gyrus
critical period of use it or lose it; start by age 5 or will be more difficult
gonads & sex hormones
gonads (ovaries/testes); estrogen/testosterone released (androgens come from men, like testosterone)
basal ganglia
group of cells at base of brain; coordinates central nervous system to peripheral system (coordinates limbs & extremities)
under the thalamus, above pituitary gland; effects limbic & endocrine, basic motivational behaviors, intense emotions (takes info from thalamus & sends reactions to rest of neurons)
controls pituitary gland (Fear Feeding Farenheit “Reproduction”)
lowest part of brain, base of skull; transmits signals between spinal cord & higher parts of brain (controls heartbeat & respiratory)
corpus callosum
connect two brain hemisphere; permits communication between right & left side
wernicke’s area
back of temporal lobe, speech and written language comprehension
pituitary (master) gland
base of brain; produce/release/regulate hormones
example of antagonist
botox & alcohol
reuptake inhibitor
blocks NT from being absorbed → heightens effect of NT
example of reuptake inhibitor
anti-anxiety/depression meds
mimics/copies NT
blocks NT
example of agonist
opiates (fent, oxy, heroin)