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Legislative Branch
Senate and House of Representatives: drafts, debates, and vote on laws.
Executive Branch
President: Responsibility to carry out /enforce laws
Judicial Branch
Courts system - Interprets laws and ensures laws are fair
Bicameral Legisature
House of Representatives and Senate - Ensures checks and balances
House of Senates
Two Representatives per state to ensure fairness
House of Representatives
Representatives based on population
Checks and Balances
Ensures equal power, prevents abusive usage of power, and protects rights
Wanted a strong Central government, supported the constitution
Wanted a strong STATE government, feared strong central government, did not support ratification of the constitution
New Jersey Plan
Alternative to Virginia Plan, Failed, Beneficial towards smaller states, strong state government, representatives NOT based on population
Virginia Plan
Representation based on Population, beneficial to larger states, succeeded, strong central government
The Great Compromise
An agreement, created the Bicameral Legislature to settle the dispute between smaller and larger states
Manifest Destiny
Belief that Americans were destines by god to expand westward , represented Americans national identity, affected Native Americans by taking away their land
Indian Removal Act
Relocation of native Americans into southeastern U.S , to help the expansion of white settlers onto fertile land
Trail of Tears
Devastating Journey of relocation of native Americans towards Mississippi river, many died due to harsh conditions and diseases due to lack of medical care.
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Agreement that ended Mexican-American War, America gained 55% of Mexico’s land, paid 15 million, and also Mexicans got granted naturalized citizenship
Monroe Doctrine
Foreign policy to assert U.S. influence in western hemisphere and opposed European influence and colonialism
Triangular Trade
Transatlantic Trading system among Europe, Africa and the Americas
Did not support slavery, focused on industrial, industrialization started in north
supported slavery, agricultural based, used slaves as free labor for their economic growth
Causes Of Civil War
South and North conflict of slavery and states, and state rights
Slavery and the Courts
The legal battles that showed struggle of slaves to get out of slavery even though they were in free state, showing how judiciary was a tool to uphold slavery
Dred Scott Case
Enslaved individual that got ruled against from supreme court due to the courts belief that slaves were property and not citizens and that they must return even if they’re in a free state
Missouri Compromise
A legislative agreement in 1820 to address the issue of slavery expansion into new states , emerged from Missouri choosing if they should be slave or free state
Compromise of 1850
To help resolve tension of north and south about territorial expansion into the new territories after Mexican-American War
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Escalation of tensions between north and south, act to organize Kansas and Nebraska territories
Abolition Movement
Social and Political effort to end slavery and promotion of rights and freedoms of slaves.
Efforts of antislavery in south
some individuals and groups worked in silence, offering help to slaves to escape through the underground railroad.
efforts of antislavery in north
moral, religious, or political motivation to help enslaved people escape and gain their freedom, some people went to the south and saved enslaved people via the underground railroad, also some people did petitions, speeches, and publications
opposition of abolition
south argued it was necessary for their economy and social order, while in the north opposition came from individuals who feared the economic and social impact of emancipation
division of north and south over issues of slavery economic interest and political power