prefrontal cortex
critical for working memory and executive control
absence of an executive control system
impulsive behavior driven by reflexive stimulus-response behaviors
Dysexecutive Syndrome
Frontal lobe damage
deficits in working memory and executive control
WM and executive control tasks
Updating memory in the N-back task
Self-ordered tasks that require updating and monitoring previous items
Also STM deficits: digit span, STM for colors, shapes and object locations
loss of ability to plan and organize task
Tower of Hanoi
task switching procedure
monitoring streams of letters on the left and digits on the right
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test in frontal lobe damage patients
perseveration errors - when the rules change, they stick to the old one
activity in frontal neurons
DLPFC lesions
deficits in manipulation (temporal ordering) but not in maintenance of info
maintenance of info
Ventrolateral PFC and posterior brain
central executive (in brain)
Dorsolateral PFC
Phonological loop (in brain)
L Ventrolateral PFC
Visuo-spatial sketchpad (in brain)
R Ventrolateral PFC
left DLPFC specification
verbal working memory
anterior posterior gradient
goal abstraction
DLPFC’s role in LTM
candidate for retrieval and manipulation of specific episodic memories
Intentional encoding
more associated with ventro-lateral PFC activity (active rehearsal)
Semantic processing and rehearsal
Ventro-lateral PFC anterior
Phonological processing and rehearsal
Ventro-lateral PFC posterior
Schizophrenia patients
DLPFC deficit - WM problems with large delays and manipulation
smaller right prefrontal cortex - WM deficits