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Functions of the respiratory system (6)
1. Respiration: gas exchange between atmosphere and cells
2. moving air to and from the exchange surfaces of the lungs
3. pH regulation
4. Protection
5. Producing sounds
6. Facilitating the detection of stimuli
4 events of respiratory system
1. Movement of air in and out of the lungs - breathing or
pulmonary ventilation.
2. Gas exchange (diffusion) between the lungs and the blood.
3. Gas transport in blood between the lungs and body cells.
4. Gas exchange (diffusion) between blood and body cells.
upper respiratory tract (outside thorax)(4)
Nasal cavity
lower repiratory tract (inside thorax) (4)
bronchial tree
function of upper respiratory tract
Passageways filter, warm, and humidify incoming air - protecting the more delicate surfaces of the lower respiratory system- and cool and dehumidify outgoing air.
Internal nostril hairs - act as a filtering system preventing entry of large particles carried in the air.
Nasal Cavity
The nasal cavity is the hollow space behind the nose; lined with mucous membrane and blood vessels. heats the air coming in through the nose.
microscopic hair-like structures of the epithelial lining. Form in precise patterns and wave in a coordinated back and forth manner to push down mucus and entrapped particles to the pharynx
Paranasal sinuses
Air-filled spaces located within certain bones of the skull that open to the nasal cavity. The paranasal sinuses decrease the weight of the skull and are resonant chambers that affect the quality of the voice.
Located behind the oral cavity; between the nasal cavity and the larynx. Provides a passageway for food traveling from the oral cavity (mouth) to the esophagus (leads to stomach) and for air passing between the nasal cavity and larynx. Pharynx also helps produce the sounds for speech. Houses the tonsils.
houses the vocal cords. conducts air in and out of the trachea through a narrow opening called the glottis.
laryngeal prominence
adams apple. located in the larynx and is part of the framework of muscles and cartilages bound by elastic tissue.
a laryngeal cartilage, is a flap-like structure that allows air to enter the larynx. The epiglottis projects superior to the glottis and forms a lid over it. When swallowing, the larynx is elevated bending the epiglottis over the glottis partially covering the larynx so that the bolus of food chewed can glide across the epiglottis rather than dropping into the larynx. The epiglottis serves to seal off the respiratory tract when food or liquid passes into the esophagus. During normal breathing, the epiglottis is relaxed (upright).
how does coughing occur?
Food or liquids that get too close to the entrance of the glottis trigger the coughing reflex. In a cough, the glottis is kept closed while the chest and abdominal muscles contract, compressing the lungs. When the glottis is opened suddenly, the resulting blast of air from the trachea ejects material that blocks the entrance to the glottis.
true vocal cords (vocal folds)
Sound is made by air forced through the glottis between the true vocal cords (vocal folds) causing them to vibrate from side to side, generating sound waves.
the sound waves produced by true vocal cords
Words that are made up by altering the shapes of the pharynx and oral cavity using the tongue and lips
False vocal cords (ventricular folds)
muscles responsible for controlling tension in the vocal folds and sealing of the glottis during swallowing.
flexible tube extending down anterior the esophagus and into the thoracic cavity, where it splits into left and right bronchi.
brachial tree
Consists of branched airways leading from the trachea to the microscopic air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs.
sympatheric activation vs parasympathetic activation
sympathetic: brachiodilation
Parasympathetic: Brachioconstriction
oft, spongy, cone-shaped organs in the thoracic cavity. Each lung occupies the majority of the thoracic space on its side
Right lung vs left lung
right: has 3 lobes
left: has 2 lobes
pleural membrane
Each lung is enclosed and protected by a double-layered serious membrane
walls of pleural membrane
-visceral pleura - attached to each lung surface and folds back to become the parietal pleura. The pleurae form a double walled sac,
space in between the walls of the pleural membrance
pleural cavity. The pleural cavity contains a thin film of serous fluid referred to as pleural fluid
purpose of venthilation
to prevent the build up of carbon dioxide in the alveoli and ensure a continuous supply of oxygen that keeps pace with absorption by the bloodstream.
Normal inspiration
Nerves stimulate the diaphram to contract. As it contracts, the diaphragm moves downward, the thoracic cavity enlarges, and the pressure within the alveoli falls slightly below that of atmospheric pressure. In response, atmospheric pressure forces air into the airways.
atmospheric pressure at sea level
760 mm Hg
what is responsible for the air movement in normal at rest breathing
Diaphram- 75%
External intercostal muscles- 25%
what muscles are involved in deep breath?
ectoralis minor, scalenes, serratus anterior and sternocleidomastoid muscles.
what holds the visceral and parietal pleural together?
Surface tension
As elevation increases...
P02 decreases in the atmospheric air and in the alveoli resulting in less rapid diffusion of oxygen from the alveoli into the blood (decreased saturation of hemoglobin with oxygen)
Percentage of O2 stays the same ~21%
Tidal volume
the volume of air that enters (or leaves) during a single respiratory cycle under resting conditions and during a normal breath.
inspiration reserve volume
The maximal amount of air that can be taken into the lungs by determined effort after normal inspiration. Normal to maximum capacity
expiratory reserve volume
Amount of air that can be forcefully exhaled after a normal tidal volume exhalation
residual volume
Amount of air remaining in the lungs after a forced exhalation
Vital capacity
The largest volume of air that a person can exhale after taking the deepest breath possible.
Inspiratory capacity
the maximum volume of air a person can inhale following a resting inspiration
Functional residual capacity
the volume of air that remains in the lungs following a resting expiration.
Total lung capacity
vital capacity plus the residual volume
The maximal volume of air that the lungs can contain.
VO2 Max
the greatest amount of oxygen that the body can take in, transport, and utilize during heavy exercise.
ordinary air percentages
78% nitrogen 21% oxygen
.04% carbon dioxide .5% water
oxygen after it diffuses into the blood stream
98% of the oxygen diffuses in the blood and binds to hemoglobin forming Oxyhemoglobin. the remainder dissolves in the plasma
hemoglobin saturation
percentage of heme units containing oxygen
3 ways CO2 is transferred in the body
1. as carbon dioxide dissolved in plasma (~7%), or
2. as part of a compound formed by bonding to hemoglobin
(~23%), or
3. as part of a bicarbonate ion (~70%).
bicarbonate ion transfer
CO2 combines with water to make carbonic acid (H2CO3). The hydrogen in carbonic acid quickly combine with hemoglobin making the carbonic acid turn into bicarbonate ion (HCO3-).
local regulation
The rate of oxygen delivery in each tissue and the efficiency of oxygen pickup at the lungs
as metabolic activity increases...
PO2 decrease and CO2 increase
lung perfusion
blood flow to lungs
Alveolar ventilation
Airflow into aveoli
Ventral (Inspiratory) respiratory group (VRG)
responsible for the basic rhythm of breathing; emit bursts of impulses that signal the diaphragm and the external intercostal muscles to contract.
basic rhythm of breathing
Starts an impulse weakly then strengthens abruptly for 2 seconds. then stops for exhalation ~3 seconds
Dorsal ( Expiratory) respiratory group (DRG)
quiet during normal breathing. DRG neurons generate impulses when more forceful breathing is required. If VRG activity increases, neurons of the DRG are stimulated resulting in the activation of inhalation accessory muscles, such as SCM, pectoralis minor, and the scalenes.
Pontine impulse Strong vs Weak
When pontine impulses are strong (output quickens) - the effect is inhibitory, that is, the inspiratory bursts are shorter and breathing rate increases; when signals are weak (output slows), the inspiratory bursts are longer, and the breathing rate decreases.
chemoreceptor reflexes
Monitor changes in arterial PCO2, PO2, and ph. Located in the respiratory center of the medulla.
peripheral chemoreceptors(location and action)
Located in the Coratid and aortic arteries. Monitors when the levels of oxygen are really low or a decrease in blood pH, or a rise in CO2
Central Chemoreceptors (location and action)
Located in the respiratory center of the medulla and monitor when the levels of CO2 and hydrogen are elevated
what is more sensitive receptors for O2 or CO2?
Chemoreceptors monitoring carbon dioxide are much more sensitive than those monitoring oxygen.
baroreceptor reflexes(location and action)
Stretch receptors in the coratid and aortic arteries that affect respiratory activity.
relationship between blood pressure and breathing (baroreceptors)
When blood pressure falls, the respiratory rate increases; when blood pressure rises, the respiratory rate declines.
hering-breuer Reflex Inflation (location and action)
Occurs in the visceral pleura, alveoli, and bronchioles. helps regulate the depth of breathing and prevents over inflation during forceful breathing.
Hering-breuer Reflex deflation (location and action)
located in the alveolar wall and inhibits the expiratory centers and stimulates the inspiratory centers.
Hering-Breuer Protective reflexes (location and action)
Located in the Epithylum Operate when exposed to toxic vapors, chemical irritants, or mechanical stimulation in the respiratory tract
types of protective reflexes
sneezing, coughing, and laryngeal spasms
laryngeal spasms
sealing off of the glottis as a result of iritants
cortical Influence
The activity of respiratory center and chemoreceptors can be voluntary by being overridden by the cerebral cortex.
how is conscious control possible?
respiratory muscles are voluntary muscles.
respiratory compliance
the amount of change in lung volume produced by a change in pressure
respiratory compliance with age
decrease in elastic tissue, decrease in costal cartilage felxibility, increase in emphysema all contribute to a lower compliance with age.