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RNA polymerase READS template strand in 3’ to 5’ direction; SYNTHESIZES RNA in 5’ to 3’ direction
ribosomes reads mRNA, moves towards 3’ end one codon at a time
gene regulation
ability of cells to control level of gene expression
why are genes regulated?
to ensure gene products are produced at the correct time and in the appropriate amount to save energy
constitutive genes
essential genes that have constant levels of expression
where does gene regulation occur in eukaryotes?
transcription, RNA processing, translation, post-translation
cell differentiation
producing different cell types in multicellular organisms that is dependent on regulating gene expression
hemoglobin in fetal vs. adult humans
fetal has higher oxygen affinity than adult
bacterial gene regulation
occurs on multiple levels, but transcriptional is the most common
why is gene regulation triggered in prokaryotes?
to respond to changes in the local environment
when will E. Coli utilize lactose?
when no glucose is present
when are enzymes that metabolize lactose expressed?
when lactose is present
lactose permease
transports lactose into the cell (PERMits it to enter)
breaks down lactose (B for Break)
regulatory transcription factors
proteins that bind to regulatory sequences in DNA
inhibit transcription (negative control)
increase rate of transcription (positive control)
two domains in a regulatory transcription factor
site where protein binds to DNA
site specifically for small effector molecules
small effector molecule
binds to regulatory transcription factor, causes conformational change to either have it bind or not bind to DNA
regulatory region of operation, downstream of promoter
polycistronic mRNA
group of genes with a common function; entire operon is transcribed