Essentials of Human Diseases and Conditions (8%)
The body’’s chemical messengers; can be classified as proteins or steroids.
Tropic Hormones
Hormones that stimulate the secretion of other hormones.
Stimulate the synthesis of ovarian hormones
Radioimmunoassay (RIA)
radiology used to detect the concentration of an antigen or antibody/ other protein in the plasma
Hypersecretion of GH (somatotropin) occuring before puberty leading to proportional overgrowth of all body tissue— before epiphyseal closure
Transsphenoidal approach
surgical procedure that involves accessing the pituitary gland through the nasal cavity and sphenoid sinus
Hypersecretion of GH after puberty leading to overgrowth of soft tissue— after epiphyseal closure. Excessive jaw growth noted. (usually associated with a tumor on the pituitary gland)
Deficiency of any of the pituitary hormones.
Deficiency in all of the pituitary hormones.
Deficiency of pituitary GH in children resulting in small stature.
Diabetes insipidus
disturbance of water metabolism caused by deficiency in vasopressin (ADH) by the posterior pituitary gland. polyuria and polydipsia noted.
Simple Goiter
Enlargement of the thyroid gland evidenced by swelling in the neck.
Hashimoto Thyroiditis
Immune system attacks the thyroid glands causing gland tissue to be replaced by fibrous tissue. (Marked by goiter, and hypothyroidism symptoms)
Grave’s Disease
Occurs when the entire thyroid gland hypertrophies resulting in a diffuse goiter and overproduction of thyroid hormones. Sometimes associated with exophthalmos.
General Hypothyroidism symptoms and signs
Easily fatigued, Drowsiness, reduced alertness, dry hair and skin, decreased sweat, cold intolerance, bradycardia, constipation, weight gain, edema, bloating, poor circulation, TSH levels increased, Iodine uptake decreased, T4 and T3 levels decreased.
General Hyperthyroidism symptoms and signs
Easily fatigued, Restlessness, irritability, tremors, nervousness, moist skin & excessive sweat, heat intolerance, tachycardia & palpitations, diarrhea, weight loss, polydipsia, TSH levels decreased, Iodine uptake increased, T3 and T4 levels increased.
Congenital hypothyroidism where the thyroid gland is absent or makes no thyroid hormone. Child develops as a dwarf with protruding abdomen.
Severely advanced hypothyroidism characterized by low metabolic rate. Characterized by dry skin, puffy face and hands, and enlarged tongue.
Myxedema coma
rare but life-threatening complication of severe hypothyroidism, where the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone and organs dysfunction.
Thyroid Cancer
Neoplasm of the thyroid gland including primary tumors, thyroid lymphomas, and metastases to the thyroid gland.
Overactivity of one or more of the parathyroid glands resulting in overproduction of PTH. Increases demineralization of bones causing hypercalcemia.
Abnormally high blood calcium levels. Causes reduced irritability of nerve and muscle tissuees, atrophy and weakness, GI pain and nausea.
Secretion of PTH greatly leading to hypocalcemia
Abnormally low levels of calcium in the blood. Causes hyperexcitability, numbness, tingling, and tetany.
Chvostek Sign
facial twitch indicating hypocalcemia
Trousseau sign (Carpopedal spasm)
wrist spasm associated with hypocalcemia
Cushing Syndrome
Chronic hypersecretion of the adrenal cortex resulting in excessive cortisol (ACTH) levels.
Cushing syndrome clinical manifestations
buffalo humps (fat deposits), protruding abdomen and edema, moon face, think skin, and purple strectch marks.
Addison Disease (hypoadrenalism)
Partial or complete failure of adrenocortical function. Bronze skin color exhibited, reduced aldosterone levels; when dehydration hyperkalemia occurs.
Diabetes Mellitus
Chronic disorder of carb, fat, and protein metabolism caused by inadequate insulin production/ usage.
Abnormally high blood glucose levels. Caused by reduction of insulin.
State of burning fat instead of glucose in body
Type 1 diabetes
little to no insulin is secreted by patient
Type 2 diabetes
happens when the body cannot use insulin correctly and sugar builds up in the blood.
Diabetic ulcers
open sores or wounds that develop on the feet of people with diabetes.
Gestational Diabetes (GDM)
damaged ability to process carbs with onset during pregnancy. detected between 24-28 weeks
glucose deficiency in blood. Occurs with excessive insulin in blood. causes CNS manifestations. Most common form is drug-induced.
Precocious Puberty in Boys
Onset of puberty before 9. Development of secondary sexual characteristics, gonadal development, spermatogenesis, altered growth and emotional pattern.
Precocious Puberty in girls
Onset of puberty before 8. Increased growth ratem breast enlargement, pubic and underarm hair, menstruation before 10, and ovarian function.