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The Knight
He had been in many battles, he was true and gentle, generous and kind.
The Squire
He was the son of the knight, in his twenties, agile strong, and happy-go-lucky, but lovesick
The Yeoman
He was the squire's servant. He was a woodsman, a Robin hood type character.
The Prioress
She spoke French, was dainty and pleasant, and the picture of medieval beauty with a large forehead.
The monk
He was fat and bald with a preference for fine clothes and luxuries. He didn't like hard work, but he liked to ride.
The Friar
He takes bribes for easy penance. He knows the taverns and barmaids better than he does the lepers and beggars. He is rather aristocratic, and he lisps.
The Merchant
He has a forked beard and a motley coat. He is careful with money, a good negotiator, and always tells his opinions about business. He is clever at hiding debt.
The clerk
This pilgrim was an oxford student who didn't say much, did not have a job, and just loved learning for the sake of learning. He was great at creating legal documents.
The sergeant-at-law
He seemed wise. He made a lot of money. He seemed busier than he really was.
He looked like Santa Clause. He liked to eat, drink, and be merry. He was a country gentleman with a dagger and silk purse. He had a lot of land, but not of noble birth.
The cook
This pilgrim was a master of the trade, had a sore on one knee, and was physically a rather disgusting character.
The shipman
He was from Dartmouth, didn't ride well, and was a good navigator. He had little conscience about killing the enemy, and seemed rather like a pirate.
The doctor of medicine
He knew his profession well, and took kickbacks from the apothecary. He was not particularly religious. He was dressed in red and blue-gray garments and loved gold.
The Wife of Bath
This pilgrim was large and somewhat deaf, had a red complexion, wore a wide hat and spurs and had been married several times, making her the perfect person to ask for love advice.
The parson
This pilgrim was truly Christ-like, patient, giving, holy, and virtuous; he didn't believe in pomp or glory. He practiced what he preached.
The plowman
The parson's brother. He was an honest worker who paid his taxes on time.
The miller
He had a football player build. He had a red beard, a wart on his nose and a filthy mouth. He cheated customers and in his spare time he played the bagpipes.
The manciple
He was a shrewd buyer. Lawyers with all their knowledge were not a match for him. He purchased well and kept the extra money for himself. He stole the lawyers blind.
He was old, choleric, and thin. He was a good manager and good carpenter, feared by the farm workers. He usually brought up the rear of the party, lagging behind.
The Summoner
He had a red face full of sores. He ate onions and drank too much. He would take bribes. He was not holy despite working for the church. He perverted corruption for personal gain.
The pardoner