AI flash cards from my notes
Philosophical tenet that knowledge comes through experience.
Belief that all events are governed by lawful, cause-and-effect relationships.
Confirmation bias
Tendency to look for or only pay attention to information that confirms one’s beliefs.
Belief that humans and other living beings are composed exclusively of physical matter.
Theory emphasizing unconscious causes of psychological problems, developed by Sigmund Freud.
Classical Conditioning
Associates an involuntary response and stimulus.
Operant Conditioning
Associates a voluntary behavior and consequence.
Study of observing behavior with little or no reference to mental events.
Pillars of Modern Psychology
Biological, Cognitive, Developmental, Social and Personality, Mental and Physical Health.
Organized system of assumptions and principles that explains certain phenomena.
Testable prediction about processes that can be observed and measured.
Accuracy in the measurement process, including content and criterion validity.
Operational definition
Specification of precisely how to observe and measure a variable in a hypothesis.
Correlational Research
Involves measuring the degree of association between two variables.
Experimental Group
Receives special treatment in regard to the independent variable.
Control Group
Similar subjects who do not receive the special treatment.
Descriptive Statistics
Techniques used to organize, summarize, and interpret data.
Standard Deviation
Measure of variability around the mean or the average distance from the mean.
Inferential Statistics
Used to assess potential differences or relationships in data.
Null Hypothesis
Assumes any differences between groups are due to chance (Control Group).