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Four months after the martyrdom of GomBurZa, Jose Rizal was sent to
College of San Juan de Letran.
He studied at Ateneo Municipal, a college under Spanish Jesuits, which was a rival of the Dominican-owned
Father Magin Ferrando and Manuel Xerez Burgos.
Initially refused admission by ______ due to being late and undersized, Rizal was later accepted with the help of ___________
Jesuit System of Education
More advanced than other colleges.
Focused on rigid discipline, religious instruction, physical culture, humanities, and scientific studies.
Offered courses in Bachelor of Arts, agriculture, commerce, mechanics, and surveying.
Students heard Mass before class and started and ended each subject with prayers.
Red flag
Roman Empire (Internos/Boarders) –
Blue flag
Carthaginian (Externos/Non-Boarders) –
Emperor (top student), Tribune, Decurion, Centurion, Standard Bearer.
First Year (1872-1873):
Started at the bottom but became Emperor. Took private Spanish lessons in Santa Isabel College.
Second Year (1873-1874):
Improved his performance, won honors, and received a gold medal.
Escuela Pia
When the Jesuits had been expelled from the Philippines in 1768 and returned in 1859, they were given the management of
Ateneo Municipal, Ateneo de Manila
Escuela Pia, whose name was changed to _______ and later became the _______>
Father Jose Bech
was Rizal’s first professor in Ateneo. Rizal described him as a “tall thin man, with a body slightly bent forward, a harried walk, an ascetic face, severe and inspired, small deep-sunken eyes, a sharp nose that was almost Greek, and thin lips forming an arc whose ends fell toward the chin.”
First Year (1872-1873):
Rizal was placed at the bottom of the class but progressed rapidly and at the end of the month became “Emperor.”
Santa Isabel College during noon recesses.
To improve his Spanish, Rizal took private lessons in
Second Year (1873-1874):
Rizal repented for neglecting his grades the previous year due to being offended by a teacher’s remarks. He studied harder to regain his lost leadership and once more became Emperor.
Third Year (1874-1875**)
Despite the happiness of his mother’s release, Rizal did not achieve as excellent performance as the previous year. He still earned excellent grades but only won one medal in Latin.
Fourth Year (1875-1876):
Rizal returned to Manila for his fourth-year course and became an interno in Ateneo.
Padre Francisco de Paula Sanchez,
a great educator and scholar, inspired Rizal to study harder and write poetry.
Padre Francisco de Paula Sanchez,
Rizal described this Jesuit professor as a “model of uprightness, earnestness, and love for the advancement of his pupils.”
Last Year in Ateneo (1876-1877):
Rizal graduated with the highest grades in all subjects and was considered the most brilliant Atenean of his time.
The Pride of the Jesuits.”
Rizal was known as a
March 23, 1877: Commencement Day
Rizal, who was 16 years old, received the degree of Bachelor of Arts from Ateneo Municipal with highest honors.
Marian Congregation
A religious society where Rizal was an active member and later became the secretary.
Academy of Spanish Literature and Academy of Natural Sciences
Rizal was a member.
Literary Talent
Under the guidance of Father Sanchez, Rizal developed his literary abilities.
Studied Painting
Under Agustin Saez, a famous Spanish painter
Studied Sculpture
Under Romualdo de Jesus, a notable Filipino sculptor.
Engaged in Gymnastics and Fencing
To strengthen his weak body.