spoon theory
mental health
emotional, psychological, and social well-being
behavioral health
promote mental health, prevent substance misuse, and provide treatments and supports to foster recovery
mental health disorder
disorder, ranging from mild to severe, that affects a person’s thinking, mood, and/or behavior
Serious Mental Illness
mental illness that interferes with a person’s life and ability to function
Which race(s) have the highest prevalence of mental illness? (in adults)
Multi-racial, White
Are there treatment gaps for mental health disorders?
Only 50% of adults with mental illness received treatment in past year.
More than 40% of adolescents (12-17) did NOT receive treatment for major depressive episode in past year.
Asian, Black, and Hispanic adults less likely than Multi-racial and Whites adults to receive treatment.
substance use
alc and/or drug use
substance disorder
problematic pattern of substance use (mild to severe)
how many drinks is binge drinking for women?
4+ drinks
how many drinks is binge drinking for men?
5+ drinks
education and support of individuals and communities to prevent the onset of disorders
harm reduction
mitigation of worse health outcomes among people with disorders
Treatment (esp for substance use disorders)
therapy, counseling, peer supports and/or medication; inpatient/outpatient/residential
individuals improve their health and wellness, live self-directed lives, and strive to reach their full potential
What are the five main approaches to NCDs?
Risk-factor interventions
Identify cost-effective treatments
Genetics counseling and intervention
What is multiple risk factor reduction?
Under which of the following circumstances do we not screen for disease?
for diseases that are rare (affecting 5% or less of population)
for diseases that don't have curative, palliative, or treatment options
Which of the following are criteria for NCD screening?
Early detection is possible and results in improved outcomes
There is a feasible testing strategy
Lead-time bias occurs when a screening test produces false positives (T or F)
What is a constellation?
A group of risk factors that occur in a definable group of people
When assessing cost-effectiveness of an intervention, which do we assess first?
Net benefits
Which of the following combinations are possibly cost-effective?
Increased costs and increased effectiveness
Decreased costs and decreased effectiveness
Decreased costs and increased effectiveness
Which of the following is not a current use of genetic intervention for NCDs?
Predicting disease risk based on genetic profiles
Modifying genes to reduce risk
Assessing how well a specific drug will work based on genetic sequences
Identifying hereditary genetic conditions
Modifying genes to reduce risk
Research into NCD treatment includes which of the following?
Managing long-term effects of treatments that create short-term benefits
Understanding causes of complex diseases like dementia
Identifying existing treatments that could be applied to complex conditions
Developing new interventions for currently untreatable conditions
All of the above;
Managing long-term effects of treatments that create short-term benefits
Understanding causes of complex diseases like dementia
Identifying existing treatments that could be applied to complex conditions
Developing new interventions for currently untreatable conditions
lead-time bias
when the screening test detects a disease earlier than it would have been diagnosed without screening. This earlier detection might give the impression that individuals who are screened live longer with the disease, even if the screening does not actually improve their survival
cost-effective intervention
A treatment that examines both the costs and health outcomes of one or more interventions
cost < country’s GDP
Which of the following must be true for screening to occur?
The disease causes significant death or disability
Screening is acceptable to the general public
Early detection of the disease improves outcomes
The screening provides treatment options for positive results
There is a practical testing strategy
The disease causes significant death or disability
Screening is acceptable to the general public
Early detection of the disease improves outcomes
There is a practical testing strategy
What type (primary, secondary, tertiary) of intervention is screening?
What are the key components of cost effective treatments?
Benefits, cost, and harm
Genetic testing benefits
Positive: information about health risks, early detection, treatment options, family planning
Genetic testing ethical concerns
designer babies, negative impact on family relationships, emotional distress, limited information, increased risk to health in other aspects