Unit 3: Civil Liberties and Civil Rights

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bill of rights

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bill of rights

first ten amendments in the constitution, provides civil liberties

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civil liberties

protecting people from the government, individual rights

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civil rights

protects individuals from discrimination, minority group rights

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establishment clause

government can’t establish one religion

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free exercise clause

people can freely exercise their religion

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symbolic speech

nonverbal action that communicates an idea or belief

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clear and present danger

speech can be limited by government if it presents a “clear and prsent danger”

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prior restraint

surpreme court can surpress materials that would be published/broadcasted, especially if it threatens national security

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selective incorporation

extending the bill of rights to the states to protect civil liberties

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due process

state governments cant attack peoples right to life liberty or property

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miranda rule

the accused must be informed of their 6th amendment rights

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exclusionary rule

illegally seized evidence by law enforcement that violates the 4th amendment can’t be used in prosecution

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title xi

no sex discrimination in educational activities, especially sports

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affirmative action

government uses this to promote and improve opportunities for underrepresented minority groups mainly in workplace and education

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de jure v de facto segregation

de jure: by law
de facto: by fact (ie housing patterns)

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benchmark polls

conducted by campaigns to have a baseline to compare to later polls to see if a canidates chance of winning are increasing or decreasing

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tracking polls

surveying the same issue over a time period to see changes in opinion

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exit polls

used by media outlets to determine voter election results before the ballots are officially casted

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