French Revolution-Social 20IB

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How was France prior to the revolution?

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How was France prior to the revolution?

-feudal system

-hierarchical and mobility limited through money and status

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What is the Feudal System?

-political, economic and social position- based on land ownership

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What was the ancien regime?

-absolute monarchy

-sovereignty (supreme power) in the hands of the “sovereign”

-divine rights of kings

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What is absolute monarchy?

-King or Queen has total control of government

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What was the divine rights of kings?

-justified power by saying it was God’s will for them to rule

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What was the enlightenment?

-the age of reason

-end of despotism, superstition, tradition, bigotry, intolerance

-humans are rational by nature, freedom maximized

-Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Montesquieu

-social contact theory

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What was the first estate?


-didn’t pay taxes

-only made up 1% of the population

-collected tithes

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What was the second estate?

-Aristocrats and Nobility

-paid a small amount of taxes

-collected taxes

-made up 2-3% of population

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What was the third estate?


-paid full taxes

-overworked and underpaid

-over 90% of the population

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Who were the Bourgeoisie?

-met in cafes called salons to discuss ideas about rights and freedoms

-upset about not having a voice in government

-publishing ideas in books, pamphlets, newspapers-but were thrown in jail for doing so

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What were the economic and financial causes of the french revolution?

-massive debt from wars (Louis XV & XVI)

-60% of budget went to debt

-maintain power andrebuildingg army/navy

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What were the geographic/financial issues in France before the french revolution?

Food Crisis

-long winter, floods and droughts

-people had no money, and had to spend it all on food and prices of bread

Immediate Causes

-unfair tax structure

-extravagant spending of Royal family

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What were the political/intellectual causes of the french revolution?

-the third estate felt excluded (us vs. them)

-King Louis XVI was an incompetent ruler

Estates General

majority vote for each estate was expressed as a signal vote

-lack representation for 95-98% of the population

-Enlightenment ideas

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What was the estates general?

elected representatives one for each estate (social class)

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What were the Enlightenment ideas?

philosophers start to question absolutism and the church

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What was the Estates General (French Parliament) meeting in the french revolution?

-Louis XVI called a meeting on May 5, 1789 (he didn’t have enough money to run the country)

-last prior meeting was 1614

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What was the National Assembly and Tennis Court Oath?

-June 20, 1789 third estate met to talk about taxes (after weeks of meeting)

-were locked out of the hall- so went to a tennis court on castle grounds

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What was the forming of the National Assembly and signing the Tennis Court Oath?

-renamed the third estate: National assembly

-swore the Tennis Court Oath


-they are the only group who represent the nation of France

-a constitution (this is the hallmark of a civic nation)

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What was the storming of the bastille?

-July 14, 1789 (now a national holiday)

-rumor that Louis would break up National Assembly with 20,000 troops

-600 Parisians stormed to arm themselves, selves, captured the prison and set all prisoners free

-collective consciousness developed

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When did Feudalism die?

-August 4, 1789-noble stands up in National Assembly

-he will no longer collect feudal dues because of peasant uprising due to lack of food

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What were the bread riots?

-Shortage meant high price for flour

-people spent 90% of their wages on bread-caused riots (1768,1775,1779)

-Oct 5, 1789 Parisian women walked 25km to Versailles to demand the king and his family return to Paris-he did and never went back to Versailles

-people in the group numbered 6,000

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What were the key events during Legislative Assembly phase of the french revolution?

-July 1790-Civil Constitution of the Clergy

-All priests and bishops must be elected like other public officials

-Clergy take an oath to loyalty to France

-Over 50% refuses and Louis sided with them

-June 21, 1791- Royal family tries to leave Paris (they get caught)

-April 20, 1792- war with Austria threatens Parisians with punishment if Louis is harmed

-September 21, 1792- National Assembly declares France a republic

-Absolute monarchy abolished

-Louis de-throned

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What were the events of the national convention?

-January 15, 1793-Louis guilty of treason

-January 21, 1793-Louis guillotined

-Marie Antoinette was executed in Oct 1793

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Who were the key figures and what were the main events of the Reign of Terror?

-Maximilien Robespierre leads the “Committee of Public Safety” to save France

-Aug 1792 leave en masse (conscription)

-Sept 1793 Law of Suspects

-Sept 1793 Law of Maximum

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How was life during the Reign of Terror?

-couldn’t speak out against the changes of the revolution

-guillotine was used to kill people who didn’t agree

-other changes: revolutionary tribunal, changed calendar, metric system, “citizens” replaced “madame and monsieur”

-July 28, 1794- Robespierre guillotined himself

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What were the events of the directory phase of the revolution?

-corrupt dictatorship of 5 men who couldn’t rule France

-committee of public safety was reorganized, with term limits being placed on members and powers being removed from it one by one

-the national assembly assumed those powers and several years of relative calm forwarded

-although mass executions were not repeated, France was still threatened by war with Britain, Austria, and Russia and had a rather unstable economy

-the government was not nearly effective enough in meeting the needs of french citizens, and riots and mobs still formed

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How did Napoleon Bonaparte rise to power?

-took over power in a coup d’etat- the overthrow of existing power-in 1799

-returned pride and stability to France

-a military general who conquered many other regions in Europe until 1815

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What were Napoleon’s reforms?


-education reform

-Napoleonic law code

-bank of France

-collected taxes more efficiently

-made France more beautiful by improving infrastructure

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What was the concordat of Napoleon’s Reform?

-made peace with pope-Catholicism official religion in France

-all bishops and priests swear an oath to him

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What were Napoleon's reforms for education?


-University of France

-supervisory bureau

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What was Napoleonic Law Code?

-centralized and reformed outdated laws included religious tolerance, jury trial, abolish serfdom, fair legal methods, individual rights, freedom of belief

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What was the rule of Napoleon?

-1804 Napoleon declared himself Emperor of France

-returned rituals the revolution abolished (noble titles, ceremonies)

-British to openly name him a tyrant and threat to peace and the “free people” of Europe

-the French Republic had barely lived for 10 years before being replaced by a new “king” under a different title

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How was Napoleon defeated?

-1805-coalition forming against Napoleon (Britain & Austria)

-war with Britain-Continental System failed (trade embargo)

-forced 300 German states to join into 30 states-Confederation of the Rhine

-1808-Spain rebelled, Portugal joined

-1810-Russia wanted to leave, but Napoleon said no and invaded in the summer of 1812

-Sept 1812-French entered Moscow but major defeat

-1813-new coalition against Napoleon-Britain, Russia, Sweden, Prussia, Austria and German states in 1814

-Napoleon abdicated the throne and was exiled to Elba

-Louis XVI exiled brother-Louis XVIII placed on the throne

-Napoleon spent a year in Elba and came sailing back when he heard that Louis XVIII unpopular

-Hundred Days Napoleon returns to Paris and takes over

-Leaders of other countries create an army of 1 million men & met Napoleon with 122,000 soldiers at Waterloo in Belgium and crushed the French

-Napoleon was finally defeated for good and exiled to St.Helena’s where he died in 1821

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What were the political, social, and economic impacts of the French Revolution?

-sense of nationalism was born

-all citizens were equal before the law

-one person, one vote


-legal document

-sets up the laws for all citizens

-how the country will be run

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