Paul Broca
________ and Sir Francis Galton were among the first scientists to think about measuring intelligence.
Lewis Terman
________ revised the Binet- Simon Intelligence Scale in 1916.
Sir Francis Galton
In mid 1880s, ________ administered a battery of tests measuring variables such as head size, reaction time, visual accuracy, auditory threshold, breathing capacity, etc.
________- Simon Intelligence Scale consists of several components such as logical reasoning, finding rhyming words and naming objects.
Group tests
________ are less time consuming and economical.
Individual tests
________ are time consuming and costly to administer.
________ is a test designed to measure intelligence of adults and older adolescents.
Performance tests
________ are especially useful to measure intelligence of differently abled people.
Simon Intelligence Scale consists of several components such as logical reasoning, finding rhyming words and naming objects
David Wechsler, in 1939, published the Wechsler
Bellevue Intelligence Scale