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A story made up of symbols with a deeper meaning
Russian Revolution
Period of political and social upheaval in Russia during the early 20th century
Old Major
A pig who had the dream and vision for the revolution, represents Karl Marx
Karl Marx
Philosopher and economist, co-founder of the theory of communism
Purpose of Old Major's Speech
To set the tone and inspire animals to revolt against Farmer Jones
A workhorse, hardworking, and loyal
Reason for Animal Rebellion
Farmer Jones came home drunk and forgot to feed the animals
Pigs' Unique Ability
Read and reason, demonstrating intelligence
Squealer's Purpose
Propaganda, manipulates others with speech
Leaders on the Farm
Followers on the Farm
Stands for communism, equality
Mollie's Fate
Ran away due to the desire for sugar and ribbons
A donkey/mule, doesn't pick sides, pessimistic
Napoleon's First Act in Charge
Gets rid of Sunday meetings to consolidate power
Reason for Removing Sunday Meetings
Napoleon wants all decision-making power
Windmill Idea Originator
Squealer's Explanation of Windmill Attribution to Napoleon
To maintain unity and prevent dissent