what is computational thinking
the process used to solve complex problems -formulating a problem and expressing a solution the way a computer can carry it out
what are the two stages involved in computational thinking ?
what is abstraction
abstraction involves identifying the key parts of the problem and removing and unnecessary detail so it becomes easier to solve e.g importing random to shuffle a deck of cards
what is decomposition
decomposition is the braking down a complex problem into a smaller, manageable parts which are easier to solve
what are the three steps of decomposition
identifying the main problem
list the main sub problems,functions or tasks
break down into smaller sub-problems or sub tasks which can they be complete separately
what is a subroutine
are small programs that are written within a larger, main program. The purpose of a subprogram is to perform a specific task.
what are the two types of subprograms
benefits of a subroutine
making debugging and maintaining the program is easier as subroutines are usually short and separate form the main code
subroutines can be tested separately and shown to be correct
a particular subroutine can be called several times in the same program and may also be saved to a subroutine library to be used in other programs
what is a procedure ?
procedure is a subprogram that performs a specific task. When the task is complete, the subprogram ends and the main program continues from where it left off.
how do you call a procedure
ogrammers use the procedure name and include any parameter values that the procedure needs
what is a function
function works in the same way as a procedure, except that it processes data and returns a result back to the main program.
how do you call a function
programmers use the function's identifier, the parameter value to be passed into the function, and a variable for the function to return and assign a value into
what are some in built functions
int - converts strings or floats into integers
str - converts a number into a string
asc - finds the ASCII number of a character
advantages of flow charts
it is easy to see how a program flows
flowcharts follow an international standard
disadvantages of flowcharts
with a large program, the diagrams can become huge and therefore difficult to follow
any changes to the design may mean a lot of the diagram has to be redrawn
symbol for input output
symbol for decision
symbol for process
symbol for subroutine
rectangle with a lines both sides
symbol for terminal (start/end)
what is a problem with flowcharts to develop an algorithm
it doesn’t translate into progam code very easily
whats is pseudo code
a method of writing up a set of instructions for a computer program using plain English.
benefit of pseudo code
it can be quickly and easily converted into an actual programming language as it is similar to a programming language
it is fairly easy to understand, even for non-programmers
it does not matter if there are errors in the syntax - it is usually still obvious what is intended
changes to the design can be incorporated quite easily
disadvantages of pseudocode
It can be hard to see how a program flows
It can be time consuming to produce.
what are the three basic programming constructs
what is a sequence
is the order in which instructions occur and are processed.
what is iteration
Iteration is the repeated execution of a section of code when a program is running.
what are the 2 types of iteration
what is count-controlled iteration
repeatedly executes a section of code a fixed number of predetermined times- using a FOR
loop, which uses a control variable to determine what code is repeatedly executed and how many times.
what is condition controlled iteration
epeatedly executes a section of code until a condition is met - or no longer met. The two most common types of condition-controlled iteration are:
while loops, which use the statements WHILE
repeat loops, which use the statements REPEAT
what is selection
determines which path a program takes when it is running
what is an algorithm
a sequence of steps that can be followed in order to complete a task e.g recipes
what is the diffidence between a computer program and an algorithm
a computer program is one way of implementing an algorithm in a particular language but its the series of the instructions and the order of those instructions that are the basis of any algorithm
what is nested selection
its where a decision has a decision nested inside it
what is a list?
a collection of variables of the same or different types, enclosed in square brackets
how is a list referenced ?
using an index starting at 0 for the first item
how would you refer to lennie in the list ?
playername =[“corrie”,”ben”,”gordon”,”lennie”,”pete”]
what is a trace table ?
is used to show how variables change during execution of a program
what are three types of error?
what is a syntax error ?
prevent program from running due to spelling/grammar mistake in your code
what is a logic error ?
a mistake in a program's code that causes it to behave unexpectedly or produce incorrect results, without generating an error message. e.g x>5 rather than x>=5
what is a runtime error?
it will be detected when the program is running -may be caused by a logic error or by the program not allowing for condition such as user inputting 0 or entering no data at all
what is a binary search?
a search that can be used to search a list that is in numerical or alphabetical order -works by repeatedly dividing in half portion of the list that could require one data item
what are the advantages and disadvantages of binary search
list needs to be ordered
more efficient than linear search
what is a linear search
each item will be checked one by one in the list
what are the advantages and disadvantages of linear search
if list is large it will take a very long time
list does not need to be ordered
what is bubble sort ?
bubble sort works by repeatedly going through a list to be sorted swapping adjacent elements if they are in the wrong order
disadvantage of bubble sort
not efficient for large lists
what is merge sort
list is repeatedly divided into two until all the elements are separated individually. Pairs of elements are then compared, placed into order and combined. The process is then repeated until the list is recompiled as a whole.
describe the two stages of merge sort
stage 1 : the list is successively divided in half , forming two sunsets , until each sub list is one length
stage 2:Each pair of subs lists is repeatably merged to produce new sorted sub lists until there is only one list remaining-the sorted list
what type of algorithm is merge sort
recursive algorithm which means the subroutine calls itself
what type of algorithm is bubble sort
iterative algorithm meaning that it uses WHILE and/ for loops repeating the same sets many times
which algorithm is more efficient bubble sort or merge sort
merge sort
how can the efficiency of algorithms be measured ?
by the time it takes to execute
amount of memory required for given data set
what is a transistor ?
Microscopic devices that open and close circuits to communicate electrical signals. CPUs contain millions of transistors.
what two states do a computer have ?
on - a current is flowing through the component (1)
off - a current is not flowing through the component(0)
what is a logic gate ?
a logic gate is a series of transistors connected together to give one or more outputs. Each output is based on the input or combination of inputs supplied to it.
what are the three types of logic gates ?
AND gate
OR gate
NOT gate
what is a AND gate
An AND gate uses two inputs to generate one output. The output is 1 (TRUE) only if both of the inputs are 1 (TRUE).
what is an OR gate ?
An OR gate uses two inputs to generate one output. The output is 1 (TRUE) only if either or both of the inputs are 1 (TRUE).
what is a NOT gate ?
a NOT gate uses one input to generate one output. A NOT gate inverts the input. The output is 1 (TRUE) if the input is 0 (FALSE), and the output is 0 (FALSE) if the input is 1 (TRUE).